Does anyone know how much honey to leave for bees???

Started by annette, June 17, 2007, 02:02:17 PM

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Does anyone know how much honey to leave for the bees here in Northern California???

Last year I left a medium super with 10 frames totally capped honey and they hardly ate any of it and it fermented. Of course, we had a mild winter last year. (I guess they just ate what they had around the brood frames).

The reason I am asking is I am going to extract honey this Tuesday and want to know how much I can take for myself. We are in a lull now as far as making honey, but I hear that the flow picks up again in August - September.

Thanks for the help


I don't know how the winters are there compaired to here. But when I have two deep brood boxes/chambers, I don't leave anymore on.  In the fall I try to leave the queen and brood on bottom and the upper with honey. When buildup starts in Jan/Feb they have enough till they get in top. Then I switch boxes. If I have to feed it is from March till April 15.
I will be changing some over to the long one story brood chamber. Don't know if I will get all of them done but going to try.

If it was capped it shouldn't have fermented.
Do you have hive beetles?
They will cut holes in it everywhere.


I think a general rule is for ever 2 deeps (full) they should have 2 full frames of honey. Don't touch frames that have brood on them.


at this time of year we take everything above the excluder or honey cap depending on your method. put the wet suppers back on the hive.(some pepole just leave them out for the bees to clean) I dont recomend that for you.they will be fine till the next surplus is harvested, RDY-B


Annette, I'm not from your area & can't answer for your area but I would say you will get clues by looking at your typical winter patterns. More winter, more honey one should leave for the bees would be my barometer. I have a hive that I left a bunch on and was too busy and perhaps lazy or a combination of the two, that I harvested a month ago. My bees just eat what's in the brood nest. It doesn't get cold for long down here and one can check the hives to see if they need feed or not.
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I'm In Southern California It dosent get cold but in July and August there can be
a scarceness. I make sure the bees get through to September  I then take some out.Last year I took in end of June  December   March .You just have to figure it out
"It's not about Honey it's not about Money It's about SURVIVAL" Charles Martin Simmon


you will set your own schedule. you know you will harvest one more time :) this season. my first round will be first week july second and final first week september. It is wise to get all honey removed by the first week of september because that is when I treat for VAROA. and feed pollen patties (need to make winter bees whith three rounds of brood) I treat whith formic it is temp. dependent. still warm in sept. but there is always one week window when the temp drops and i am ready so i treat many pepole mise the window. and have to wait.very important for me to do these things so i can go to almonds with topnotch bees. every thing you do is going to impact your next move.these are just some of my thoughts about harvest.  RDY-B