First few experiences (pix)

Started by SystemShark, June 27, 2007, 01:52:29 AM

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Heres a few pics from my first visit with at my mentor's apiary. I've only met with him twice so far; but he's been a really great help. We closed up the hives before I started taking pictures but I really like his yard and his setup seems nice a clean and in a great area.

These next ones are from my first Beekeepers Association Meeting. My mentor invited me to tag along and I got to meet other western PA Beekeepers. We were inspecting the comb at the apiary in the county park for potential queens as the topic of the meeting was re-queening and queen breeding methods. Were trying to find the easiest way for hobbyist beekeepers to breed their own queens. I wish I had taken a picture of the custom nuc they made a nutshell it held 4 frames regularly and a 5th frame suspended above them. They took queen cells / eggs in royal jelly and implanted them in this 5th frame..Supposedly they got a few good queens out of it and it seemed simple enough.

Also this is my first time trying to do pics here so hopefully everything goes well.

Still soo excited to get started...its gunna be a long winter for me! :p

Goodluck to all!


Quote from: SystemShark on June 27, 2007, 01:52:29 AM
Also this is my first time trying to do pics here so hopefully everything goes well.

Thumbnail views make it easier for folks with dial up to see what pictures to look at in full size.  Here is the tutorial that explains how to do it.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


I tried fixing it for thumbnails but I can't see them in my main post. Nothing too exciting to look at but still a learning experience for me.


Quote from: SystemShark on June 27, 2007, 04:30:51 PM
I tried fixing it for thumbnails but I can't see them in my main post. Nothing too exciting to look at but still a learning experience for me.

Your syntax is correct, but the links to imageshack are incorrect or they are no longer on imageshack.  Strange....

Bee pictures are always enjoyed and appreciated by the group.  Even if the poster doesn't find them interesting :-D
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison