Large bees invading hive - what are they - are they harmful

Started by Davepeg, July 07, 2007, 03:39:31 PM

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New to beekeeping...while out watching "the girls" today we noticed some large bees going in and out of hive.  they look like large honeybees, not quite double the honeybee size and have a solid color body.
What should we do?

We love the girls...


Drones ( Male bees they wiil be dealt with in september.)


Of course!

We've never seen them outside the hive before this.

We love the girls...



Welcome to the forums :)

The easiest way to spot drones (to be sure) is they are "furry looking" below the head on the thorax and their wings are "out to the side" more like a airplane than a workerbee - whos wings are swept close to each other.

Indeed they are about twice the size and they NEVER have pollen on their legs either. So there are a few ways to tell them quickly apart. Remember too that drones have no stingers, so if you are sure you have one, you can play with it  :-D

P.S. Could you please add your location to your profile when you get a chance - thanks, and again welcome to the forums!
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Michael Bush

Also drones are VERY bug eyed.  Large eyes to spot the queen...
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