Tried Bush's method of moving bees "IT WORKED"

Started by bbqbee, July 10, 2007, 10:18:53 PM

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Yesterday I was reading info on Michael Bush's web site about moving bees further than 2 feet but less than 2 miles. I was impressed enough to try his method of placing a leafy branch in front of hive so bees are slowed down next morning and take time to re-oriantatae themselves. WOW IT WORKED... I moved a hive a 1/2 a mile at dusk and placed a leafy branch across the front entrance and left the branch there untill noon today.
I went back to the "old" location after lunch and there were no bees to be found !!!

Thank you michael !


Michael Bush's site is a mine of poop of Knowledge
"It's not about Honey it's not about Money It's about SURVIVAL" Charles Martin Simmon


I appreciate Michael's generosity.  He has obviously put so much time and energy into his site - so even when he is off at HAS, we still have the benefit of his wisdom just by visiting his site.

BTW, I've used the branch thing more than once to move a hive a few feet and it always works like a charm.

Linda T in Atlanta
"You never can tell with bees" - Winnie the Pooh

Click for Atlanta, Georgia Forecast" border="0" height="60" width="468


Ok so thats where i read it. Sorry mb, quoted you the other day but didn't give you the props. :-D 

the kid

The thing I like about  Michael Bush is he will tell things to help the little beekeeper ..  theres no deep dark on told tale ,,   He tells what worked for him ,,,   like anything else , one fix doesn't all ways work  in all cases but  he does help  were and when he can  ....     With as busy as he is ,, he is still willing to take the time to come on the bee sites and help us... as much as he posts it takes a lot of his time .  WE ALL THANK HIM FOR HIS TIME
   the kid


you have my total agreement about Michael!

I have learned much much more from Michael's posts and his website rather than from many seasoned local beekepers nearby me or a book

thank you MB!