Bees on ground

Started by Gerald in Ga, July 18, 2007, 05:23:17 PM

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Gerald in Ga

Would someone help me out please? I just got my bees yesterday and today I have found dead bees on the ground about 10 feet away from the hive. The person I got them from said they were NWC bees and they came from nuks. I know some bees die off from old age but the ones I found were crawling on the ground with their wings straight out to the sides like airplane wings. The wings have no fraying on the ends and are not extending up above the body. They are just out to the sides. The bees do not seem to be able to fly either just crawl around until the ants get them. Thanks for any help, 2 day old bee helper.


most commonly it would be due to varoa infestation.

Gerald in Ga

I've been reading about the varroa ever since I posted today. Lots of different suggestions. I put the pam coated plastic sheet under my sbb tonight and will check tomorrow at the same time for a count. Thanks again Mici.