Giant European hornet raiding my honey bees

Started by CWBees, August 03, 2007, 03:53:14 PM

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Yesterday I watched a hornet the size of a large bumble bee fight with 2 of my honey bees from my mini mating nuc. It ended of flying off with one of them. Anybody else seen this. I should try and get a picture. :oops:
A swarm in May is worth a bale of hay.
A swarm in June is worth a silver spoon.
A swarm in July isn't worth a fly.


nothing special, he's just gathering some proteins for their youngs. to get rid of them
-buy a six-pack (bootles neccesary)
-drink only half of each bottle
-place outside

or, get a coke bottle or something, cut in half- height-weise, turn the upper side down into the lower part of the bottle so you get a Y, fill the bottom with a half a cup of wine, cup of water+table spoon of sugar. should work miracles.


Don't the wooden entrance way things stop the hornets form getting inside?
And in the case of a large hive can't we simply insert a strip of wire (the length of a queen excluder) and put that at the entrance?


E. hornets aren't as invasive as japanese hornets so, there's very little chance one would go inside. i've see hundreds of wasps simply scavaging dead bees for the same reason-proteins for youngs.
but wasps however are more likely to go inside and feed on honey.