Bee-escape on inner cover

Started by Erich, August 13, 2007, 11:55:03 PM

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Hello you all, I'm wondering how long it should take for the bees to clear a western honey super after installing a bee-escape? I placed an empty western under the full and placed the inner cover between them. It's been 24hrs. and there are still quite a few in the full super. Thanks in advance to this whole forum.    Erich


   I've been told it can take as much as four or five days.  You have to wait for the bees to change jobs, go on cleansing flights or what ever chore they need to do that takes them down. 

Personally I use Fischer's Bee-Quick and a fume board.  Quicker and no barf smell.  Good Luck.
Everyone said it couldn't be done. But he with a chuckle replied, "I won't be one to say it is so, until I give it a try."  So he buckled right in with a trace of a grin.  If he had a worry he hid it and he started to sing as he tackled that thing that couldn't be done, and he did it.  (unknown)