Swarm traps with nasonov pheromone

Started by Moonshae, August 31, 2007, 09:54:18 PM

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I know this is the wrong time of year to be asking this, but I'm trying to think ahead to the spring and what I'm going to be doing. Dandant sells the swarm traps and the pheromone capsules that get put in them...how long do the capsules last? How do you use the trap? It looks like a semi-cone attached to a board, but the website description doesn't provide any information. If I put it up 10' in a tree (how to get it there is still another mystery), how would I close the entrance long enough to get it out of the tree, and how does it open to allow me to put the swarm in the container of my choice?

I'm hoping to use swarms to expand my operation in the spring, but my current ignorance about how that might be done impedes my planning. Knowing what is necessary will help me prepare for spring before it gets here.
"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC


Moonshae, the traps work great! They are about 3gallon in size. The bottom is smaller than the top, they taper up. They have a separate top that has ridges on the underside that the bees use like starter strips. I use nylon string and tie it around the top of the trap, then use more string and weave it through a couple of eyelets that are built into the trap to secure the top cover, and hang them from a tree or whatever. The vials with the pheremone can be placed in one of many of the gromets that are built into the trap. The underside of the trap has about a 1" hole where the bees enter. When the bees have entered the trap you will see activity in and out of the bottom entrance hole, when you've caught a swarm, you simply duct tape the bottom at night or early morning before the bees are active and bring them down and to your waiting super. Take the top off, and introduce them to your set up.
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Sean Kelly

Wow cool!  Sounds easy!  I was wondering how those work.  Gunna have to buy some before next spring!

Sean Kelly
"My son,  eat  thou honey,  because it is good;  and the honeycomb,  which is sweet  to thy taste"          - Proverbs 24:13

Michael Bush

>I know this is the wrong time of year to be asking this, but I'm trying to think ahead to the spring and what I'm going to be doing. Dandant sells the swarm traps and the pheromone capsules that get put in them...how long do the capsules last?

They are pretty much good for a season.

> How do you use the trap? It looks like a semi-cone attached to a board, but the website description doesn't provide any information. If I put it up 10' in a tree (how to get it there is still another mystery), how would I close the entrance long enough to get it out of the tree, and how does it open to allow me to put the swarm in the container of my choice?

They require a cut out when you remove them from the trap.  That is the disadvantage over using a nuc box that has frames in it.

Lemongrass Essential oil is what is in the capsules and it's available much cheaper from a place that sells essential oils.  You can buy a pint bottle and it will probably last the rest of your life.

Look for "bait hives" here:
My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
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