Well it's time I am going to be a beekeper.

Started by BigRog, July 07, 2004, 03:04:49 AM

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Well it's time I am going to be a beekeper.
My original plan was to use tthis year to learn and research. In doing so I have made some friends here. Good friends. And I am very happy for that.
Well John screwed me all up. Happily. He offered me C3. The email he sent me following up the offer on the chat was very nice, very complimentery. We have a very good man at the helm here. I have since spent some time on the phone with John and he is very much as I pictured him. Good solid people. I am going to ride up to get my(Johns) hive on monday. The crew has finished work prepping my yard for the hive. here is a pic

I will post apic when I settle the hive in.
This site is fantastic.
I have met some people who I have never seen that are my friends.
John is being so generous to me and I do not know how to really thank him. I will find a way.
People lets keep this site active
If anybody has suggestions about moving a hive 275 miles
welll that is what I am about to do

I would like to thank everyone on this site for educating me
You have a good crew here
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


I understand the excitement, being a 10-day old beekeeper myself.

No advice for the trip, except... keep the windows open. Or closed. :)


Quote from: BigRog
If anybody has suggestions about moving a hive 275 miles
welll that is what I am about to do

Spray some water in before you set off, and take one of these hand-water sprayers, so you can give them some water by "misting" them. Congratulations by the way! :shock:  I started with 1 this year, and look what happened to me! This is two colonies arriving at night, and in the pouring rain. Ideal conditions as no risk of colony overheating. I'm now up to 5 colonies!

Certainly travelling at night, late evening, or early morning is less stressful on the colony, you can see my post about bringing a nucleas here


These bees were brought in the day, and were defiantely distressed, I found lots of dead bees the following morning, and also there were many dead int he box. I'd reccomend using travelling screen instead of a top board/roof, to allow ventilation.



Ventilation is the most important thing when transporting hives, other than not dumping them over :shock:

A spray bottle of water like Asleitch suggests is also a good idea.  And if possible don't travel in the heat of the day.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


Also, when you put the hives in the car, orientate the hives so the frames run lengthways, along the lengthways direction of the car, so that when you brake and accelerate, they do not move much. Does that make sense? If you put them "across" the car, they flap about. Consider using a spacer board to hold the frames really tight in the hive. They use water, to keep cool, by evaporating it, which sucks the heat out the hive, thats why misting with water is so beneficial. For this to work, they do need a travelling mesh on top, for air circulation. You could also keep the air-conditiong at a low temeperature, and wear a jacket in the car?



I agree with the misting the bees, I also recommend you put the bees inside the truck cab or the car with you and keep the temp at a nice 70 to 75 degrees.
I also think the people on this site are the greatest. They have sure changed my feelings tward bee keepers as a whole. Much different than when I was told to do searches and to buy two books and read them before asking stupids questions. Can You age a bee by how much hair they have? Plus others were treated badly I felt too.
I also think John is one great upstanding fellow. He has made me feel welcome here and also supplied Kare and I a forum to post our 2004 flower pictures. Over 7 pages as of last night.
Again I can not thank John enough for that.

:D Al


When I checked in with my State inspector I was told that the beekeeper did not have to register with him UNLESS the keeper would be transporting hives.  So you may want to check with the state inspectors to find out if you need to get any permits, ect.  I know what a pain that can be, but if something goes wrong, you would be glad for having gotten them.

Beth Kirkley

I'm so happy for ya Roger. When is the big trip scheduled?

It looked like everyone gave good advice. Just take it all easy when going home. Seems that bring home a hive full of bees won't be quite as easy as bringing home a new puppy. :)

I loved the picture of the "construction on the new bee yard". Funny stuff - real funny!! :)

And Roger, don't forget, you're one of those very nice people on the forum too. Have a safe trip.


Queen Bee

Welcome to the 'Funny Farm" !! Remember it is addictive and you'll be right up there with us veryyyyy soon! :D .. I'll give you  until next spring... LOL  Good luck on moving them and enjoy...


Still waiting here for the update.  You must have the critters home by now.  How are y'all getting along?


OK right about now I should be riding home with the bees. My Mom (85 on 9/11) fell on sat and when the EMT's got here her BP was 60/40. She is still in the Hosp. She did not hurt herself in the fall (Hardheads run in the family) but they are having trouble stabilising her BP. She looks good and is in great spirits. So far the tests that they have done haven't turned anything up, except aterial fibulation on the ekg. Today the Cardiac guys come in to take a look. I think shes doing real well and will be home in a few days. I am under orders to bring her a liverwurst sandwich tonight, so I think shes feeling pretty good. So obviously my getting C3 has been postponed.
Thanks for all of your advice and With any luck my Mom will be home and well and I'll be able to get C3 soon.
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


John has been a great guy and good friend about all of this.
Can't wait to meet him in person.
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


Sorry to hear it, Rog. Hope she's very much better.


I always heard to "Keep your mouth shut when people are talking good about you" but I too enjoyed my 2 hours phone chat with Roger - he has done a lot of incredible things in his life and I know we'll have a great time when he gets him Mom settled down and doing better.

Rog will be get the rare opertunity to stay in the luxurious motorcoach  :roll:  better known as the BUS, but affectionately known as BEEHAVEN, an estate on wheels - lol. Plus Rog will be getting the grand tour of Navy Lakehurst where we design, build, retrofit, repair and test Air Craft Carrier Launch Valves and Arresting Equipment, and of course get to see the Hindenburg Crashsite and hopefully get inside of Hangar One (where the Hindenburg was stored 12 times in 1936 during it's first full season of flight) and where today a simulated flight deck is manned for carrier training, plus it houses dozens of training (Vo-Tec and advanced) classrooms which are always in session.

So I'm excited to meet Rog, he can keep right up with me in the "Talk your ears off" department and that always impresses me - I'm sure it will be a very busy stay and I know that C3 will be in great hands when they get to their new home in Virginia and Rog will always have a TON of support through the wonderful members of our forum!!!

Be expecting to see Rog holding a frame of bees barehanded in the near future in the forum - both he and I are excited about this photo op!
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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Update on my Mom
She is home but I am not thrilled with it.
I spoke to her Dr Wed night and he said they were doing a pacemaker on Mon. Her heart rate was going down to 30bpm at night. Fri morning he went on vacation and his associate signs her out. They wanted to do a sleep study and I think they handled her wrong and she refused the test. Prob scared her with all the stuff they wanted to put on her,had they told me I could have been there and it would have been done, I could have put her at ease. If her regular Dr was there I would have been called. So she has a O2 concetrator that she has to use at night. Her Dr will be back in 10 days and I am going to try to get some straight answers. The people I was talking to on the phone really didn't convince me of their position. So there it is for now. I think she'll be ok, but I'm not happy with how it was handled
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


Rog with having lost my father recently and dealing with the many doctors he had in the last few years I highly recommend you get a medical power of attorney papers drawn up and signed in front of norterys by both you and your mother.
Basicly a doctor doesn't need to tell you any thing, or do as you request if you don't have that power.
I wish you luck and hope for a speedy recovery for your mother.
Their will always bee bees to be had, there is only one mother or father.
:D Al


My brother has a medical power of atty
As well as a general one
My Mom has signed a form in the Drs
office that lets the Drs talk to me.
My Mom regular Dr is great. It's the others that I am having a prob with
But that is very good advice
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"