Mistura Fina No Show

Started by Mistura Fina, September 24, 2007, 04:07:03 PM

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Mistura Fina

I'm a new bee keeper. Due to a shipping problem, I got my package of bees late; the second week of May. I haven't had many problems except for one biggie. The bees seem to have filled out all frames on the lower super, but after a 2 months with the upper super on, they haven't started to build in it yet. I've already written off putting on the honey super long ago, but now I'm worried that the girls won't have enough honey to keep themselves fed through the winter. Is there anything I can do? Should I keep the top feeder on throughout the winter? I'm on the central coast of California. Our winters are somewhat mild at worst.


you can bait them into moving up by placing 2 frames with brood in the top super. Some-one with winter experience should be able to advise you on winter preparations


If you will have mild weather for a while, you can feed them 1:1 syrup to stimulate them to build comb. When they need to start putting up stores, you should feed them 2:1 syrup, that's 2 parts sugar to 1 part water. 16 lbs sugar to 1 gal water works fine. If they form a cluster, they won't feed from a top feeder; you need to get them to store enough before the cold temps set in.
"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC


Central Coast California covers a lot of territory...which part of CCC do you live in? I am feeding my bees a 2:1 from a pail feeder a top the hive...they aren't taking it too quickly...must be a flow somewhere, but I don't know from where...I bought a 2.5 gallon pail from Brushy Mountain, and mixed 5 pounds of sugar to 2 quarts of water...hhhmm bees...curious lil buggers