Weight of full supers?

Started by Queen Bee, June 10, 2005, 04:35:13 PM

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Queen Bee

Has anyone actually weighed their meduim (Ill.) supers when they were full or just before extraction? I think I am going to weigh all of my this yr. before we actually extract-- I have over 20 med. supers that are full and about 90% capped. I will be extracting soon... Thanks for your help Debbie


I think it's in the area of 45 - 60 pounds.

Do a before and after wieght.
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Michael Bush

>Has anyone actually weighed their meduim (Ill.) supers when they were full or just before extraction?

A mdeium is typically  60 lbs.

10 frame Medium = 60 lbs.
10 frame Deep = 90 lbs.
10 frame Shallow = 50 lbs.
8 frame medium = 48 lbs.
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