Started by chris, August 28, 2004, 08:49:21 PM

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Okay, i dunno if there could be a problem or potential problem here.
Today I was adding another shallow hive box to my bee hive. All is going well.
  The bees were being very passive, seemingly very curious more than anything. I was lifting a couple frames, inspecting them, being curious myself...... and then....A rumble of thunder and in a matter of seconds a down pour clobbered me. I was soaked to the bone in a matter of about 45 seconds as I  raced to put the new box and lid onto the hive.

I am not sure how much water could have gotten inside of the hive. The rain was seriously hard and the lid was off of the boix fully for about maybe 15-20 seconds before I could get everything back on.

Could a problem arise from this?



If the rain was hard enough it may have chilled some of the uncapped brood and also washed out or diluted some of the uncapped nectar. Other than that it shouldn't have hurt your hive any. If any brood was chilled the bees will remove them and they will just have to work a little harder to evaporate any water that got into the unripe honey.

Is the back of your hive raised 1/2 to 1" to allow any rain that gets in the front of the hive to drain back out? If so, this was probably more of an inconvenience than a disaster.

If you're like me, you probably tune out the rest of the world when you're into your hives. Just try to keep a little more focused on the world around you.

Good luck!