What is usefull in beekeeping learning

Started by Finsky, December 12, 2007, 02:50:04 AM

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Wow Finsky, you've definitely said a mouthful. I wish you well on your journey. Just think if all of your teachers 45 yrs ago decided that all of your pondering and questioning was a waste of their time and sent you on your way. I can only say thank you to Michael Bush and Brian who are here to lend a hand and share their extensive knowledge with us, every day. These people are unselfish and make our days sunnier. Too bad you don't feel the same way.

Sincerely, JP
My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website JPthebeeman.com http://jpthebeeman.com


Quote from: JP on December 13, 2007, 03:41:21 PM
Wow ............
Sincerely, JP

Don't take it personally if Santa does not come. It was  Russian migG


> Don't take it personally if Santa does not come. It was  Russian mig

Ok, I won't take it personally. You want to be nice and have some vodka?

Sincerely, JP
My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website JPthebeeman.com http://jpthebeeman.com


Finsky, I want to strongly stress that I wish you to continue posting so that I continue to improve my beekeeping skills. It is amazing that someone with a few years of experience in beekeeping knows everything and try to teach someone with forty-five years experience.
  With teachings from your statements I realize the potential of a strong hive. Just a small beekeeper ( twelve production hives in an Urban setting) but this year my goal per hive is two hundred lbs of honey each. Came close last year but for collecting pollen and Comb honey for established customers from a few hives. Paid very well but some hives must do better for the average.
  I thank you for your advise and knowledge.  Jerry Kern  Des Moines, Iowa


Quote from: JerryJ on December 14, 2007, 04:10:29 PM
but some hives must do better for the average.

Thanks your sayings!

You have too pastures and not many competitors nearby?

Yard has allways it's differencies. It is vain effort to try that they all are good. Still I try every year. My experience is that when I have the best hive, the average is half of the best.

Figures may be   the best 360 lbs, average 160, the worst 80 lbs.
Some hives' build up comes later and some  are a month ahead others. That makes a big diffrence in yield.

When some hives are weak, I unite them for main flow. They forage as well as good ones.
When it is very heavy nectar flow, big hives are superion to handle big yields: carry, dry up, store and arrange room for brood.
If laying area is short, they start to think swarming. 

When you drive stong hive tactics, you must have a stock which is not eager to swarm.
The main key is however good queens.  It is hard job to keep them good, but interesting.


When some hives are weak, I unite them for main flow. They forage as well as good ones. Quote from Finsky.
  Finsky, When you combine the weak hives, do you replace both Queens with a new queen? By the time of main flow I have several Nucs from best of last years hives, open mated.    Thanks  Jerry
  I put two that kind of hives together for main yield and I prefer to use bad queen during main yield.   From different post by Finsky


Quote from: JerryJ on December 14, 2007, 11:34:36 PM
When some hives are weak, I unite them for main flow. They forage as well as good ones. Quote from Finsky.
  Finsky, When you combine the weak hives, do you replace both Queens with a new queen? By the time of main flow I have several Nucs from best of last years hives, open mated.    Thanks  Jerry
  I put two that kind of hives together for main yield and I prefer to use bad queen during main yield.   From different post by Finsky

It is same what I shoose because they fight for life. But if I have to shoose, I prefer the worst one.

Often I have weak hives which has spended queen, but it had not enough time to build  up a good colony. If I give more workers and queen is splended, colony fills it's hive with new brood. 

With bad queen they have small brood area and most of bees concenrate themselves into honey work.

My main yield is 3-4 weeks long , and I do not want that that time colony raises new bees for nothing before autumn. I have kept often the hive without the queen over main yiled but It seems that it is not allways good idea. Some hives loose their foraging energy.   

I change all queens after yield season.  This year I changed most of queens after winter feeding.


3 year ago I put together two weak hives which has boath new byed marked queen. When took honey away in late summer, boath queen were laying in small patch in uppermost super.



I understand what you are saying and what I have seen it applies to virtually every internet forum I belong to. I would say only about 10% of the information on any of them is usefull. It's not hard to get tired of seeing the same thing over and over and sometimes its from the same people that just dont understand, refuse to listen or think by some miracle someone will add something NEW to what has already been said 100 times. There are people in every forum that post something just to post and what is said has no or little value to learning anything. I have found most forums to be mostly a social gathering place. Not every one has the same confidence of what they are doing as you  and a lot of times people need reassurance that they are doing the right thing or that what they are seeing is really ok. Not everyone has the same observation, perseption or learning ability and after 45 years of doing anything you are not going to find a lot to trip your trigger about whatever you're doing.  :-D



Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resembalance to the first. - Ronald Reagan



Quote from: asprince on December 15, 2007, 08:10:37 PM
Please be patient with us mortals.

It is only your head ace.
Teaching happens only if someone need advice.
If not, no help even if angels tell  it to you.

adult people search a such information which support your earlier attitude.

so, i go out to cut christmas tree.
