Let me introduce you to Richard, and some new girls

Started by Cindi, January 25, 2008, 11:01:18 AM

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I have finally got around to bringing a couple of pictures of Richard (you'll remember that is what we called our new tom turkey) and some of the new girls on the block.  Richard is going to be getting a girlfriend pretty quick, hopefully over the course of this weekend.  He is a bird of amazing beauty.  Those of you how keep turkeys will know the amazing ability of the change of colour, look and texture of the fleshing parts of the head and neck.  His face is beautiful dull grey, it can change to a vibrant elcectrifying blue to red within seconds.  It astounds me to watch him.  His hangey down thing that lays across his nose (what on earth do you call that thing) and also turn into a horn in a second, he is amazing and I love to watch and listen to him.  He is very very friendly, and so curious, he always wants to come and see what I am doing when I am working outside in the chicken yards.

This is when his face is that grey/blue, the head goes even a more brilliant blue than this:

This is what Richard looks like when he is totally relaxed and not all puffed up, still beautiful.

Now these two hens are a thing of beauty.  The are the Black Australorp, from what I can gather, the Australian version of the Buff Orpington.  These two hens are very very friendly and big!!!  Man when you pick one up, you sure do know that you have an arm full of bird.  Not that light wisp of air that the brown Sex-Sal-Links feel like.  My idea of a beautiful bird.  To pat one of the Astralorps is like patting a sheet of satin, so smooth and so silky.  They are very neat birds, I love them and the fact that they are sooooooo friendly is such a bonus.  I picked one up yesterday to get my Husband to feel how soft she was and she just waited while I picked her up, he held her and then put her down, not a peep or nothing.

Nothing like this other chicken that I had to catch the other day to put a band on her leg.  I think that this hen is crossed with a Banty, it looks like it.  She is a medium size.  But when my Sister held her and I put the band on she screamed and screamed and screamed.  I am not kidding.  Did you know that chickens can scream?  Well, I didn't until we picked her up.  Man oh man, and I tell ya, it was loud, it hurt my ears.  It made me feel like twisting her neck off.  (ooops, did I actually say that?   :evil: :evil: :)  She is evidently, according the the width of the bone, laying eggs, but I don't really like her very much.

Black Astralorps standing on the edge of the chicken hill

Can you spot the ducks in this picture?  They sure do love to look for grubs and stuff in the grass.  The Khaki Campbell hens

Khaki Campbell hens

Lots of good stuff going on over here at my chickenyard.  We were out for dinner last night with my Husband's Sister and her Husband and I was telling him of my additions to the chicken yards and my desires for more breeds.  He looked at the catalogue that I had in hand and told me that he always wanted to raise some Chinese Ringnecked Pheasants, that was a life long dream, if they could ever get out of the city.  I had that sparkle in my eye -- he knew what I was thinking -- yes, it looks like I will be raising some beautiful pheasants for him now too.  I made him that great smile that came across his face, he is a happy man.  I made his day so much more happier than it already was, and he will have his pheasants that have been a life long dream.  Enjoy these pictures, and have a wonderful and awesome day.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Mornin' Cindi ,   I think that hang-me-down-thang over Richards' beak is what is referred to as a "wattle" .  And of course that is not to be confused with how your ducks travel , that's a "waddle" .  And speaking of travelling , don't you just love the way a tom turkey struts about as a regal commander of his domain ?  Definately very cool creatures .  Have a great day , and only let the birds be the ones with a foul , er, I mean "fowl'' mood .
Of all the things I've ever been called ;
I do like "Dad" the most .   ---Burl---


Aww, I'm so honored Cindi that you'd name a turkey after me :roll:

You callin' me an arrogant puff-up bird????

Rick (given name Richard)


Good looking birds!! We are getting our first turkey eggs here sometime this week. I have the bator all fired up and ready. The kids and I are excited to hatch our first turkeys...
So you are going to try pheasants?? Take some time to read up on them, they are different than the other poultry. They need more space and are much more aggressive... I have ringnecks, and quail and such... They are different...
Don't be yourself, "Be the man you would want your daughters to marry!!"


No it is not called a waddle that is the red flesh hanging down from the bottom of the beak. The thing on there nose is Called a Snood. The red white blue knobs on there neck is called Karnickles. (sp) He looks to be a Standard Heritage Bronze. Very nice boy.  Like I said before One of my Royal Palm girls id laying I have 6 eggs now.  Anywho. I have 2 doz Maran  1 1/2 Standard Dark Cornish and 5 Royal Palm turkey eggs in My sportsman incubator now. And I have 18  Maran Eggs saved just from this week to put in there next week. And will have another Doz to Doz and half of Cornish eggs to put in there and more turkey eggs in there. That will make the second shelf full of eggs. Then I have one more Shelf to fill then every 2 weeks I will fill the top tray with eggs and hatching we will go.



Rick,  :) :) :).  Actually, my Husband thought up Richard's name.  I think he worked with a dude one time that the turkey reminded him of.  Sorry, it wasn't you, hee, hee.

About the pheasants, Frantz, yes, agreed, if they are so different than "regular" chickenyard stock, then I must firstly do some studying before I take that plunge.  We have quite a huge chickenyard areas, and I can make it as big as I want, just moving the fences, but I don't want it too big, so I will find out who much room required, and other stuff about them.  It is important to be informed.

Angi, you just a going incubating machine eh?  Hee, hee, sounds like you are doing alot of really cool stuff with your incubator and it is excellent that you use it so well.  My incubating will be interesting.  I am learning and learning, and mountains yet to understand, but I will get there one day.  Have an awesome and wonderful day.  Cindi

What the devil!!!  I can't believe the names for the parts of the birds.

The waddle
The snood
The carnuckle (I think that is how it is spelled, Angi) (sounds kind of like the word carbuncle, which I think is like a bunion or something)

How on earth am I going to remember all the names of these parts.

So, now tell me, is there a particular name for the apparatus that the males use to fertilize the ducks and hens?  I am not trying to be rude, but surely it must have a strange name too.  I do know this is a family friendly forum, so let's not go too deeply here.  I only want to know if it has a weird name?  C.
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


I just call it male parts and female parts. There is tech names for them and yes a ducks member is the same as a mans lol. But male and female parts is all the same only birds hide theres in there vents.
