Started by beemaster, January 20, 2005, 10:47:46 PM

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I couldn't let another small milestone pass by and not mention we are 11 months old today - I like to think that this big party they thru in Washington today was for us  :shock:  after all, many of our tax dollars paid for it and we get more from the forums then we do from Washington  :lol:

Seriously though, I have been to Washington, DC over 20 times - the last trip is www.beemaster.com/dcpage.html and I can't wait to go again.

The last trip my father and I took together was DC. We stood at the West-side of the Capitol building as I pointed out where the swearing in ceremonies are done. We were jusy 100 ft where so many of our Presidents held the Bible and took the Oath of Office.

America is the dream of Democracy in action - most of us believe that it is our destiny to create a free and self governing world of independant countries where the people elect their leaders and not live under the rules of tirants.

Whether we are just dreaming or not, We The People know what a free society, a collection of 50 states living under one flag means. To travel borderlessly from state to state, to offer individual states the Right to choose local, state and federal leadership. We believe that everyone should have the choice to choose which governmental foundation they want to setup and leave the power to the people to mold and change that government until it works best for them.

I hope someday the whole world understands why we celebrate our country so often, and why having the ability to choose our leaders, and also to remove them from office if they break their Oath to the Country os so important.

Historical Note: it was 200 years ago today that Thomas Jefferson took the oath for HIS second term as President - and we have learned that by today's standard, Jefferson was a flawed man - but he knew how to forge a government in ink - one that has remained intact today.
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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Congrats to you John, ya done good.
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"