what should i do

Started by tigman, March 09, 2008, 10:19:20 AM

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hi people.i thought i had a mentor that would help me but i had to do every thing my self.i have the ability to build.i have built my own nu boxes for him and my self built suppers and frames.i just dont want to hurt his feelings but my wife says taht i should stop taking crumbs. what should i do :'( :'(



He does not call me .I call him he makes all  promises and never keeps them . I am so eager to learn . This forum has helped me so much


Tigman, my mentor up and died on me.  I have utilized the massive knowledge here on this forum...my hive made it beautifully through the Winter and the swarmed, I am learning about swarm and swarm control...

You can try to find another mentor, or the next time you speak with him, actually make an appointment!  Then pretend you are the doctor and call to remind him of the appointment.  He is porbably well meaning, you might need to just light a little fire under him???

Just an idea~*~ Good Luck


Hey Tigman!
Welcome to the forums...You wont get dropped in here I bet!
Anyways, Keep on Keepin' on!
I have people help me sometimes (two beekeepers who give me info over the fone, and my buddy, Paul who always helps me do ANYTHING cuz he likes to do what I do..It keeps him busy and away from home) But as far as building stuff for bees I'm mostly on my own...I liike it that way though...I mean, I dont mind Paul coming over to help, but if he's drinkin' he gets in a hurry and sometimes makes mistakes. But THATS why theres TWO of us( At least thats what we say to each other when one of us screws up and the other catches it).
I do like it though when I mess with the bees and theres someone there like my wife or Paul to, at the least, see how coool the bees are!
This place has tons of support! For instance, Day Valley Dahlia(she comes to the forums alot) was catching a swarm last week! This was REALLY EXCITING as all of us here were reading of all that was going on with her and her progress. (Hmmmm,....does this story sound like one of those goofy storys at the beginning of a jeopardy match where the contestants tell a real boring story which is supposed to be one of the highpoints in their life?)..Well, with her asking questions as if they were being fired out of a "Tommy Gun"
(over a period of 2 or 3 days) and the answers being "Ricocheted" back at her from so many members here in the forums, this was like, sooooo cooool! EVERYBODY was here to help! And we were ALL rooting for Day Valley to catch the bees and make them stay!
AND SHE DID! This made US ALL feel like a part of her success!
So, in your case here, just ask questions!..When someone here gives information that proves valuable to someone else, it makes them feel good! ( If it didnt, they wouldnt be here, right?)
Ok,... Hurry up and get back to hammerin' and gluein' !
If this guy gets his feelings hurt for letting you down, to heck with it!..Theres alot of people who get their feelings hurt when hearing the truth. As a matter of fact, I do! But I get over it! Maybe it will make this guy a better person learning that he's not the center of the universe and that other people have plans too.
Ok,...gotta go.
You have any problems, just call me..............
I'LL GET SEAN RIGHT ON IT!.................heh, heh, hehhh....
your friend,

Michael Bush

Beekeeping mentors are great.  I never had one.  I think this forum is almost as valuable as you can get answers almost instantly.
My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


There are those folks that don't like hurting other feelings (or they are just afraid of confrontation)  and so they can't say "No". Some how they don't realize it is worse to say yes and not do it than to just say no.
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


My pictures.Type in password;  youview


I am somewhat in the same boat as you,,,I emailed the PRESIDENT of my local club here 3 times to ask about some extra burlarp I have to donate and ask about thier bee school and have not heard back from them.
Then recently was on a job site and met with one of thier members by chance and asked him whats up?
His reply was to try and get ahold of so and so at the club and I did.
Weeks went by and no anwser.
Then I met with a postmaster here on cape that also had a deep intrerest in beekeeping,and he also tried to contact them and no reply?.
So I'm winging it here on the forum and have learned so much just by reading the posts.
Most replys are the same and some with a twist of exsperince.
So I'm here for the long run, and a short one if the girls find an opening in my suit.
Good Luck and welcome


hi cape cod.forgive me because my computer skills are not that great.i am buildingmy own suppers now


Same thing happened to me. I worked with a few people for a couple of hours, but never really felt that confident. One day I called a beekeeper up the block from me to please come over to look inside my hive because I did not understand what I was seeing. He refused even though I was crying at this point.

This is when I found the beeforum, and now I have the support I need. At least I can get answers quickly. I still think it is great to have hands on experience with someone experienced, but lacking that at least we have this forum.

Whatever I am able to do alone, gives me great confidence in myself.

Good Luck


thanks every one for the support. i need more input from michael on building my box joints.

Michael Bush

My solution to box joints is, I don't make them.  Most of my home made equipment is just butt joints with deck screws and glue.  Some are rabbets because I was cutting the rabbets for the frame rest anyway.  :)  I've NEVER attempted a box joint.
My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


Im doing the same ,,,butt joints.
Just nail them good with glue.