Fungus kills V. Mites

Started by TwT, October 21, 2004, 01:28:03 AM

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i found this on a nother web site,

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- has an article about a fungus that looks to control mites. Anyone seen this before? The article is on the main page toward the bottom dated Oct. 14

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I read that article recently.  If this treatment has the claimed results, it will certainly be a boon to the industry and hobbyist alike.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


Quote from: TwTi found this on a nother web site,

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- has an article about a fungus that looks to control mites. Anyone seen this before? The article is on the main page toward the bottom dated Oct. 14

I did not reed the article. World is full of good ideas.  It is true that chalk brood fungus kills a lot done pupas and with them their varroa mites. But of course, mites have not wanished in that way or with another fungus way.

I just go to summer cottage and I give oxalic acid care to bees.

My mites were last summer at low level, but it is better to control them at low level than let them rise upp and make harm. I saw the level from drone combs. Some hives were very clean and others were at "nice" level.

At autumn I looked an Elqon hive when drones  came out  for fliht. Many has mite on his back, however thay say that Elqon destroys mites actively. I will se next summer.  But I have found that Elqon hives have not "short wing desease virus", which is partner of varroa. I believe Elqon after my 2 years experience.