Questions about Treating for Mites:

Started by dcwilliams_29id, October 22, 2004, 08:01:37 PM

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Well I put my apistan strips in my hive today for my fall/winter mite treatment.  From what I have read, I am supposed to put a strip to every 5 frames of bees.  Does this mean that I should use 6 strips in 3 deep supers?  Also does the apistan kill the mites or do I need a greased bottom board to catch the mites after they drop?  If the bee cluster is only on about 6 frames from the bottom super to the top, does that mean that I only need 3 or 4 strips, or am I better off putting 2 in each deep.  I would rather bee to cautious than lose my hives.   This is the first time I have medicated with the mite strips.  For tracheal mites I just use the grease patties and this seems to work fine.  Should I also use the menthol packets as well?


Chris Williams


Here's what I was told that they do (and have done) here in VA.
Half a packet of menthol. Protects but doesn't drive the bees out of the hive. Where they don't get treated.
I have 2 deeps and it was 2 apistan strips placed a couple of frames apart near the entrance. And that was it.
You can call Paul Davis at 804 745 6000
He has the stuff you'll need and is a good source of local advice
We're lucky a beekeeper supply close to home.
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


I use apistan, 2 strips for every 10 frames.  For each deep super, I put the strips between frames 2,3 and 7,8.     I just put the apistan strips in this past weekend.  Also menthol mesh bag on the top of the frame bars in the top super.  I put the menthol mesh bag on top of a bit of aluminum foil -  this keeps the bees from destroying it to bring it outside.


Thanks for the tips.  I wound up putting 2 strips in each deep.  I also wrapped my hive in black roofing tar paper (which David Eyre recommends).  It is pretty cheap for a roll, and probably only comes out to a few cents to wrap a hive.  I guess we'll see how the girls do this winter.   I would like to add a couple more hives next year.  



Quote from: dcwilliams_29id... Does this mean that I should use 6 strips in 3 deep supers?  Also does the apistan kill the mites or do I need a greased bottom board to catch the mites after they drop?  

I used Apistan 15 years. Then I got on my hives apistan resistant mite population and I use nor formic acid or oxalic acid.

I used  one strip for  5 frames and 2 strip for one box or 2 box.

I put it in the middle of winter ball. Also stips should be taken away after one month.

When I have use strip on 2 frame colony, Queen got too much apistan and bees changed queen in many cases.

It is not wise to put many kinds of chemicals in the nive. One is enough. The level of mites can be seen in drone pupas.


I also use two strips in my two deep hive body colonies. I place them in the top hive body between frames 3-4 and 7-8 in my 10 frame colonies. I want to make sure I get them in the area that the bees will be in when they winter cluster.

The local state inspector has told us that we have Apistan resistant bees in our area so we our now using Checkmite instead.


Quote from: carbide
The local state inspector has told us that we have Apistan resistant bees in our area so we our now using Checkmite instead.

That seems to be everywhere. It was reported in Italy Apistan resistancy, and a couple of years after that in Finland, and so on.  It took to me 2 years to realize that the volume of mites near desaster was due to resistancy.

To handle acids seems  at first guite difficult, but in reality it is really easy. People talk too much about  difficulty of mites. I have had them 20 years and they are nearly friends.  :D  They killed furious native bees to extinction. Well done.

I also use drone-off-method. I give 2 deep fames in the center of brood area and put in langstroth  farrar foundation. So about 1/3- 1/4 of frame is for drone combs and I cut them off and give pupas and larvas for birds. Birs pick pupas at the same day I put them in buches.