need a quick answer!!!

Started by jimmy, April 03, 2008, 05:17:50 PM

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Today i went in hive that i started last year and removed small frames that i did'nt have last summer.The honey looks sort of dark .Is it still edible?
I repaced small super with a new mediun. Clover ,azelias and other flowers are
blooming .Temp. in the 80's. Thanks for your responce as I have the frames in a plastic, covered, box on table waiting to take action. Jimmy




Honey comes in many different colors.

True honey lovers like dark honey!!  <---- Blatant attempt at starting a flamewar ;)

My wildflower honey is dark like tea.

California sage honey is almost clear and light tasting also.

So yes dark honey is fine.

Things that can affect the color of your honey:
Age of comb
Color of comb <--usually the same as Age of comb
Nectar sources
Pollen that has gotten into the honey.

So remember if it's light it's good if it's dark it's great. <-- My opinion only which of course means it is the right one. ;)


**Warning this post contains sarcasm. Sarcasm has been known to be contagious, cause stomach cramps and brain damage. If these symptoms persist see your local witch doctor right away. And send me a sample of your hair so I can make a voodoo doll.**

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible

Scott Derrick

I like my honey to look like molasses. It is so very good when it has that "sour note" to it. LOVE IT!!!
My Bee Removal Photos:
My Youtube Channel:

"You're born. You suffer. You die. Fortunately, there's a loophole."
                                              Billy Graham


Our first harvest of honey was so dark I wasn't sure it was safe to eat!  But the second year I have very light honey.  Both taste good, some of my friends prefer the dark vs light so everyone is happy.

I plan on getting small glass bottles to store and date my honey and keep it as a collection.  Just a small 2 ounce sample jar - just for fun.  Hey, people collect weirder things than honey samples.

We love the girls...


I am doing that same thing. I have little bottles for every extraction I have done and I write the date on them. It will be my collection.

Have fun