Spring changes on the farm . . . NOW WITH PICTURES!!

Started by thomashton, April 21, 2008, 12:16:23 PM

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All of you are probably going through similar things, but I like share my fun.

This summer (actually in about 5 weeks), I will be shipping out for 2 months for training with the Army, so I am putting my hobby farm through some changes. I have sold 4 goats, and tomorrow will deliver my last one to another buyer. She is a pure white angora who just gave birth to pygmy-angora (pygora) hybrid less than three weeks ago. So, all are going to be gone as of tomorrow.

In their place though, I have a bumper crop of geese hatching. They just started on Saturday. As of Sat night there was only one gosling. Then, yesterday I saw as many as four. This morning it was too cold and momma wouldn't get off of the nests. With three sitting females I'm sure I'll have a huge flock and all the Christmas geese I can eat. They are all Tolouse or Tolouse-American Buff hybrids.

My Indian Runner Ducks can stick their heads up over the top of the brooders. The turkey polts (3) and new chicks (about 35) can all jump out. Have to keep wire over them now.

On Saturday I just got 2 new packages to hive. Hopefully the weather will cooperate today to get that done or we're all in trouble as I have to go out on business tomorrow and the next day.

It's all great fun. Love springtime.
After 18 months of reading and preparation, my girls finally arrived on April 11th (2006)!


Here are some pictures
"Linny" the angora doe and the buckling.

The pygora buckling with my 21 month old daughter.

"Linny" showing off the haircut I had to give her at midnight the night she gave birth so the buckling had access to eat. Her hair used to go to the ground all the way around.
After 18 months of reading and preparation, my girls finally arrived on April 11th (2006)!


Thomashton.  Wow, what a goat and that buckling is beautiful.  Your Daughter is a little gal of such beauty too, she is looking at the critter with such intensity, how cool.  You are going great guns with all the hatching outs eh? Wonderful, thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures.  Beautiful day, beautiful life, Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Baby goats are so cute!  I love watching em learn to bounce, climb & jump, it's amazing!  That is an interesting cross, Linny is gorgeous! Do you spin or sell the fleece? How does she stay so white?  You must not get the rain we do!! Your daughter is adorable too, she is so lucky to live where there are other things to learn from than humans!  My chix are going out tomorrow to the haybarn, they need more room.  It's just been so unseasonably cold here.  Best of luck with all your new hatchlings, I love geese too, they have much personality!  Jody
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


Well, Linny and the buckling went to their new home early Tuesday morning. I think they will be loved. The people I sold her to were very nice and had angoras in the past and loved the breed so wanted to try them again. I'm happy.

poka-bee you gave me a great idea. All of my birds are going crazy with no room, but now that winter is over and almost all of the straw and hay is gone, I could put the chicks, ducks and turkeys out there. I think I may just do that tonight. I might even score some points with my wife who is ready to get 40+ birds out of our garage. I always thought of taking them out to the coop area, but the hay barn would be less drafty and could keep them warmer. Thanks a bunch. Great idea.
After 18 months of reading and preparation, my girls finally arrived on April 11th (2006)!


Those are some beautiful pictures.  You are quite fortunate.


Great pics!!
I like the one with your daughter and baby goat!
Its almost perfect! I mean, the beautiful face she has looking at the goat! And the oven with the dishrag on the handle!...seeing the tile floor and the cabinets with the little girl and goat and the position of the camera when the photo was taken.....I dont know.....It looks like a perfect piece of home! This is a picture like the ones you see in a magazine called "Reminisce"(I think thats how its spelled).
your friend,