Russian Hybrid Queens vs Italian Queens

Started by Jesse Sammons, April 19, 2008, 12:50:58 AM

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Jesse Sammons

I don't know whats the better bees Russian hybrids or Italians!
Any thoughts?


Thanks Jesse


For whatever it's worh I live in northern KY and I started with Italians. Most of the beeks in this area keep Italians. All of them I have talked to that have tried other types have went back to them or keep multiple types. Not necessarily because the others did not do any good but because the Italians are more prolific and easier to obtain.


Italians are probably best for the new beek.  They have been the standard for many years, and most of the "rules" work pretty well with them.  They make big colonies, are pretty hardy, and for the most part are well mannered.  Get a season or two with them, then expand your experience.  Swarmy, runny, fussy comb builders add a dimension not really needed when just starting out.  Of course, I could be wrong.