Making a push-in queen cage

Started by tillie, April 23, 2008, 09:58:46 AM

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Apparently nobody in Atlanta carries #8 hardware cloth.  I've tried Home Depot, Lowe's and Ace Hardware.  There is a specialty hardware store here that doesn't open until 9 and may carry it, but I'm now quite doubtful.

Can I make a push-in cage from about 16 to the inch window screen?

Linda T in Atlanta
"You never can tell with bees" - Winnie the Pooh

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Erik T


The cage I installed last week was something like 11 squares to the inch.  I would use something smaller than #8 as you don't want them biting the queen.  16 sounds too small though.

I feel your pain trying to find #8.  I tried here and couldn't find it. :(



Whooo HOoo - I finally found it in Atlanta at Handy Hardware on Peachtree in Brookhaven.  I know there are a lot of Georgia beekeepers on this forum so for your future needs, they have it at General Hardware in Brookhaven 4218 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30319 (404) 237-5209

I may have to buy a huge roll of it, but who cares - as a beek, I'll need it again.  Their motto is "Handy Hardware: Home of the Hard to Find Items"

Linda T soon to be a purchaser of #8 hardware cloth actually in Atlanta!
"You never can tell with bees" - Winnie the Pooh

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Glad you found it. Don't use window screen (or at least not the kind I tried!) It is just TOO flimsy!

Love, Marla

Michael Bush

Those kind of hardware stores sell it by the foot.
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agreed, my ACE Hardware is kind of a farm store and I buy 1/8th buy the foot.


Yes, I was able to buy it by the foot, so I bought 6 feet of 24 inch wide so I'll have some around the next time I wish for it. 

who knew when I started beekeeping that I'd learn so much about construction!

Linda T in Atlanta
"You never can tell with bees" - Winnie the Pooh

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Glad you could find it.  Everyday is a new opportunity to learn.  Is 1/8 inch spacing the largest that will block the workers?

My poor wife SweetD since our marriage has had to learn so many skills.  My Quadriplegia has forced me to learn how to do nearly everything in ways many would find hilarious.  Yet here on our farm there are so many things I just can't do.  Having a large extended family helps, but the two of us (you should see her weld) still do all that we can. 

Michael Bush

>Is 1/8 inch spacing the largest that will block the workers?

1/7 th will but the slightest bent wire will let them through.  1/8th is the largest that is pretty reliable.
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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin