
Started by poka-bee, April 22, 2008, 01:42:34 AM

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Those chix are just so dang cute!  I put a layer of new shavings down & there is this one small dutch leghorn that rolls & fluffs great pufts of shavings come flying up through her wings.  She pecks up the wood all around her like a hen in a nest.  She will be the great duster in the yard! You never think of chix lying & rolling about like dogs!  It's also fun to give em bits of greens, bread & other stuff..when I come in they all look up & gather around to grab..then run off with their prizes so no one else can have it.  I do have a couple of favorites, Owl & Rosie. R is supposed to be a blk sex link but is rich brown, really pretty.  Owl, an americana stares up at us & the cheek tufts make her look like a barn owl!  It will be fun putting em in the 350gl stock tank in the haybarn tomorrow, all that room!!  Hopefully we won't have ice chunks falling or snow...or...still as someone said in a post here it's better than hurricanes or tornadoes, that would be terrifying! :shock:  Jody
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


Jody, how cool, I love to watch the chickens too, don't they love to shavings/sawdust/dust bath, they look like they are dead sometimes laying all twisted up and sidesways in the dirt, and then they stand up, shake like crazy and it looks like a great puff of a dust ball.  The antics in the chickenyards are just something new every minute of the day, I love that to pieces.  I love to hear the little stories, bring 'em on!!!  Best of this great and beautiful day, Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Sean Kelly

Jody, are you gunna get more chickens this spring?  I'm gunna start building a coup and would like to order some with you this go round.  Just let me know.  And don't forget, Pierce County Beekeeper's meeting Jan 5th!!!

Sean Kelly
"My son,  eat  thou honey,  because it is good;  and the honeycomb,  which is sweet  to thy taste"          - Proverbs 24:13


Sean YAYS!!  Yes, I do need more but as they only send batches of 25 I'm glad you want some!  Gracie will thrilled!  I use Estes. This go round they were 100% correct on only pullets.  I only order pullets cause you don't really need a rooster & they are easy to find if you decide you want one.  Also, they can't guarantee even if you order only pullets sometimes there is a rooster in there.  The difference in price is neglegable if you figure in the food & heating till you find out you have more roosters than hens! Go on line to see what types you want.  I'm thinking I want a couple of marans cause of the dark dark egg color. Easter egger's have bluish/greenish but 2 of mine are pinkish. People love having eggs with many colors.  We can work out the brooding, either here or there (I have a spare bedroom tho..) Gracie can pick out which ones she wants.  YUP.  Jan meeting!  Having fun in the snow?  It's flippen cold with the wind!  J
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


Jody, no kidding, roosters!!!  Of the 34 eggs that incubated (not the ones from Brian, still haven't figure out their gender, they are a little more difficult than my red hens and roosters), 20 were girls, 14 were boys.  Yesterday a fellow came and bought 10 of the 14, the price was $7 each, they were 4 months old, that was good.  He also bought 6 muscovy drakes at $22 each.  He LOVES duck and roosters to munch on and the fact they they free range on so much land really got him excited.

I have chickens coming out of my ears!!!  I still need to downsize to make room for all the ones that have been growing up from Brian's eggs, they are now 10 weeks old (2.5 months).  One of the Brahma crosses is very aggressive, he already is attacking my hand when I feed them.  I know he is a he.  I think one of them is a BrahmaXAuracana because of the fat head and neck.  They are pretty tamed because I have fed them every day by hand, but he is a tough dude already, he really liked to attack my finger if I have a bandaid on it, hee, hee.  Hope he doesn't turn out mean because I will have to try to teach him to be nice like I did with Whoppo (if you recall, that didn't work for him though).  Spring is just around the corner, winter solstice soon too.  Beautiful day in this great and wonderful life, health.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


I remember being in junior-high gym class and our teacher would always yell at us for playing "chicken ball". We knew exactly what he was talking about, one guy gets the ball and everyone else chases him around rather than spreading out for a pass. I used the phrase on a group of kids last summer and they just looked at me...

We added 30 black-sex links this year and you are right, they're absolutely beautiful. They love to run, too! The other girls just mosey around the yard and the blacks race everywhere, all together as a group. They also prefer to roost up in the trees rather than go into the coop at night.
