Naming of colonies/hives

Started by Jessaboo, May 03, 2008, 10:41:37 AM

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Thanks for participating - I think I have christened my own hive Odessa for no particular reason except that way when I yell across the yard I am not using the terms "bee" or "hive" or "bee hive" - it will take my neighbors a little while to figure out what "Odessa is very active today" means....

But that Sco-Bee and Doo-Bee were pretty tempting to steal!


      I don't name them but I do mark on the box the year of the queen and when I medicate so when I look at a box {OL07IT} I can tell thats a Oliveraz 07 italian queen  then below it i'll write {tr 2-5-08}  for teramycin or {ty2-5-08} for tylosin or what ever I happen to be doingto the hive.   metzelplex