First Inspection - Looks good but a few questions

Started by watercarving, May 10, 2008, 10:05:22 PM

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Everything looked good. Hive 2 is about twice the strength as hive 1 but hive 1 had their brood frames covered and even had some honey capped.

1. When I smoked the entrance of hive 1 the bees started making a very loud noise. Hive 2 didn't even seem to notice we had smoked them. Is either abnormal?
2. Hive 1 is 1/2 to 2/3 the size of hive 2. Should I buy a queenless package and add to them or just let them grow on their own? They seemed to be doing fine but I don't want them to get robbed either.

-------------- - adventures in woodcarving and country life.


Some hives grow a bit faster than others. I wouldn't supplement with a package...just let them build up...they'll get there. If you have an entrance reducer, you won't have to worry about robbing.

I wouldn't worry about the difference in noise level with the smoke. Sometimes they buzz more, sometimes they don't.

It wouldn't hurt to pull the frames out and get a good look at them. It helps to see how quickly or slowly things are progressing, check for eggs, etc.
"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC