Best honey flavors

Started by Horns Pure Honey, December 15, 2004, 11:21:18 PM

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Quote from: 1frozenhillbillyhere in alaska the fireweed is profuse and depending on the year and the rainfall gives a medium to strong flavored honey that is wonderful for eating or mead :wink:  I like that but am also curious about other flavors.  I don't know if it grows in your area and i don't know the latin name but when it blooms this year I'll click a digital and post,  it's what most keepers here set their hives on.

In Finland we say it milk horsma. It's latin name is Chamaenérium angustifólium.

Here is pic from alaska and another from Finland.
In Finland it is the most important honey flower, because it grows in every harvested forest.

I have fertilized  fireweeds in forest and it's bloming encrease many fold.


Looks like heather!?! Or purple loostrife. :D
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world

Horns Pure Honey

I think we might have one of those, I will ask my grandpa, he is a farmer so he will know. bye and thanks
Ryan Horn