Honey B Healthy

Started by Pond Creek Farm, June 11, 2008, 11:04:23 PM

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Pond Creek Farm

I recently bought some Honey B Healthy for mixing with my feedings.  As with most of my decsions on beekeeping, this was a recommendation.  After looking into it, I could not see how it could be harmful, but I am not sure I fully understand why it is helpful.  I mixed up a batch of syrup for my two hives and two packages this evening and added the amount suggested by the instructions.  It turned the mix a light tan, but it did smell nice. What is it, exactly, that this stuff is supposed to do for the bees? None of my hives are producing honey for me at the moment in that they are all trying to draw out the first box in two instances and the second box in the other two instances.  I saw that this product is not to be used when honey supers on on the hive. I am assuming that this is for the purity of the honey, although I did not see any pesticides or similar chemicals on the ingredients.


Curious about an answer on this too. Got some on a recommendation and used it with my first batch of syrup after I hived my packaged bees.

Then started to think that I know next to nothing about it and have put it away till I find out more.


HBH makes the syrup more attractive to bees, due to the smell. It also acts as a preservative, keeping nasties from growing in the syrup before the bees can consume it all. I also like to add 1/4 the recommended amount to my bee waterer, so that doesn't get all smelly and gross (I use a dog bowl filled with rocks with a 3-gal bottle as a reservoir).

You should never feed syrup with honey supers on anyway, because syrup isn't nectar. With HBH, you can taste it even when the bees cap it. It smells nice, but it doesn't taste very good.
"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC


I also think it reduces nosema in fall feedings . No scientific proof, but I use it and like it. Also great in sugar water to spray swarms w/ or to use instead of smoker for quick inspections.
"The more complex the Mind, the Greater the need for the simplicity of Play".


this is whats in it and you can make your own 

   5 cups water
   2 1/2 pounds of sugar
   1/8 teaspoon lecithin granules (used as an emulsifier)
    15 drops spearmint oil
    15 drops lemongrass oil


I have used HBH in 1:1 sugar water for 3 seasons, but only in late winter when it is warm enough for the bees to do their aerial dumping, just enough feeding to stimulate them a bit or just a teaser if you will, they love it  :-D