Started by fiveson, January 09, 2005, 04:45:04 PM

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I am going to requeen. I dont know whether to try the Russian/Carnolian hybrid - pure Russian or just go for Italian. I currenlty lhave Carnolian (1 season) and really like them - but I want to try these new reputed varroa resistant strains.... anyone have any experience or insight beyond what I can read generally (that the hybrid is a tad meaner than the prure Carnolian - whatever that means).?

The Pleasures Of Love Lasts but a fleeting
But the pledges of life
Outlust a lifetime

(J Joyce)


I found clear report from Russians . It is not varroa resistant. Varroa level is something 50% - 30% that of other races. However you must control mites.  See specially it's desire to change queen and after with hybrid that varroa resistency is lowered.


PS Rob. You have terrific face!


I have one hive that is Carnolians which seem to be as gentile as 3 of my hives of Italian, but the 4th hive of Italian are some nasty mean devils. Of course I do think I have 5 hives of mixed breeds with 3 having Italian traits and one with Carnolian trates then that one that has the traits of AHB's  :lol:  :lol: .
:( I read about the so called Russians being resistante at $100.00 a pop.  :cry: Then you go on to read the real paper work on them and find you have to do requeening every year for about 5 years to get the resistance ones.
Me I would just go with the Italians for a few more years. After all we have been dealing with the mites for some time now what is a couple more years to see if it is just hype or the real McCoy.
:D Al


At $100 a pop, I'm with you Al!!! :lol:
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world


Stick with the carnolians,  they are a gentle breed and you will be better off in the long run.  Hybrids tend to get nasty unless you replace them on a regular basis and that can get costly.  I think there is some promise in a mite resistant bee,  however I don't think the process has matured to a point where it is worth while for a hobbyist.  Just my 2 cents.

Unless you keep a very close eye on your hive, AND know the signs to look for, you would be playing russian roulette (no pun intended) with your hive. Mites can infest a hive rather quickly and sometimes it is too late to treat by the time you figure it out.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


Ill stick with my Carnolians. I like the results and they are really gentle.

The Pleasures Of Love Lasts but a fleeting
But the pledges of life
Outlust a lifetime

(J Joyce)