Animal First Aid Advice Needed

Started by thomashton, August 20, 2008, 11:55:56 AM

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Hello. This morning I had a fellow deliver some goats to me and as we pushed them out in the pasture I saw one holding her foot up. I said to her, "You're fine. Cut it out," but the guy selling them to me said that he caught that foot in the door of his trailer. I went to check it out and her hoof was bleeding. Looks like a piece of the outter front hoof was cut off. By the time I left for work it seemed to have stoped bleeding.

He said that it should be okay, but I was wondering if I should do anything to it. Kind of hard to put a bit band aid on a hoof. If I clean it and put medicated petroleum jelly on it, it will just gather grass, seed and other flotsom. Any ideas? Just leave it be and watch for infection? Wrap it?
After 18 months of reading and preparation, my girls finally arrived on April 11th (2006)!


I would at least clean it out w water or saline.  I keep the big bottles I get on sale that are for contacts, it doesn't sting as much as plain water & is sterile. That way you can see just what the problem is.  I usually put on antibacterial, whatever you have on hand.  Will gather stuff but there will be the thin layer & keep the flys at bay.  Vet wrap will work but will fall off quickly on the feet..she or one of her buddies will probably just pull it off.  Have they had their shots?  I would watch for infection for a couple of days.  Have fun with your new girls!  Jody
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


So, I cleaned it with a non-stinging iodine spray and then sprayed it with Blu-Kote, an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial wound coating. She's doing a lot better and is up and running around (mostly on three hooves), but actually doing things now. Good to see her in better spirits. She's a sweet goat and very friendly.

Now, last night before going to bed I asked my wife if she'd seen the dog. Neither of us had since 8pm which was funny as in 8 years he has never slept outside. Sure, he'll wander the farm all day digging up mice and wandering through fields and ditches, but he always comes home to sleep. Last night he spent his first night out. I went out at about 6am looking for him and found him limping his way back home with a gash on his leg. Picked him up and gave him the same treatment the goat got and put him in bed. Maybe I should have become a vet instead of a wildlife biologist.
After 18 months of reading and preparation, my girls finally arrived on April 11th (2006)!


Blu-Kote is magical stuff!! :-D  Yes, if you have animals you get to play vet all the time.  I got a medi kit from the gun show so I can do stitches if I have to. even have my own scalpel!! :evil:  Luckily it hasn't happened.  My vet doesn't even insist I bring em in for small abscesses, I can do the shaving & administer antibiotics, the goat pepto & all shots for everyone.  The only thing I do have to bring em in for is neutering, broken bones,rabies shot or something I can't figure out from the environment & symptoms.  Goats are funny little (??) animals. Chevy thinks he is a people, is happiest out with us, will lie down next to your chair (after drinking your drink & eating all the chips...) :evil:  Hope your dog is ok, I know how we worry if they change their usual routine.  Jody
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


blu kote is some good stuff,  grew up on a ranch then was vet tech in the army,  do almost all my own vet work now,  and it pretty much sounds like what i would have done,  one thing you might want to have on hand is a big bottle of wide spectrum antibiotic,  try not to use it unless you actually have an infection going and be sure you understand the warnings about using the meat and milk if you gotta use it.   god i miss bieng on the farm
vegetarian???  isn't green stuff for growing meat?
I'm now KL4GU general ham