Started by beemaster, October 09, 2008, 01:56:41 PM

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There is a TV CHANNEL called MOJO - not sure how many people get it, it's a high def channel (only I think) There is a show I absolutely enjoy called Pressure Cook with Ralph Pagano, who for you HELL'S KITCHEN fans will remember was a contender but failed in winning.

But WOW is he a great show host.

The Premise: Ralph is flown to an unknown spot on Earth, Iceland, France, Itally, The Congo, etc. and he has 3 days to make enough money to pay for the airfare to get home or ends up eatting some discusting local food like putrified shark steak.

He will do just about anything to get the money need, but trys to COOK his way to his paycheck. This is one of the best cook shows I have ever watched, he is hugely entertaining and gets himself into some very interesting pickles.

The neat thing is it is all about the adventure, learning different cultures and proving that food is the common thing we all share. Here is a link to all the episodes at fancast (a site with hundreds of tv series (like all the Lost in Space and Dragnets, Mary Tyler Moores, and everything you've practically ever watched)

I love this web site, it really is a great place for TV and even hundreds of free movies too - here is the link to Pressure Cook:

Enjoy these.
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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