new baby goats

Started by Horns Pure Honey, February 07, 2005, 06:29:37 PM

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Horns Pure Honey

I cant wait till my new baby goats are born. Beth should be getting hers soon to. I will try to post pics when they come, bye
Ryan Horn

Beth Kirkley

You absolutely KNOW I want to see those pics Ryan.

And yes..... soon.... very soon.... I should have my baby goats. It's killing me to wait. I see all these baby goats being born around town, and the ones from the farm I'm getting them from aren't born yet. :(

I'm ready. Their temporary house is up - till the barn is built. And I've got goats on the brain so bad I can practically smell them already. :)


Horns Pure Honey

I myself like the smell of goats and I know it is wierd, but other people hate it and think it is the worst smell ever, lol.
Ryan Horn

Beth Kirkley

It's not so weird. I like the smell of horses - even in a very dirty horse barn. But I especially like the smell of horses fur on a hot day when they've been standing in the sun. I just love to bury my face against their back. :)


Horns Pure Honey

You are too wierd beth, lol. I like the smell to but not enough to put my face on a sweatty horse, lol.
Ryan Horn


*Wants to see pictures* Sitting on pins and needles here too.  But are goats won't kid until May-July.  What kinds do you guys have?

Horns Pure Honey

I have at lest 1 of each dairy breed and a Barla' wich looks like a goat but is a sheep so we call him sheepgoat, lol. Right now I couldnt really tell you how many I have, lol.
Ryan Horn

Beth Kirkley

The farm I have in mind for getting some babies has purebred Alpines. Many different colors. I haven't even seen the mamas yet, so after the babies are born I may end up changing my mind about getting them from this particular farm. But I've received good reports about these people, and been told they take very good care of their goats.


Horns Pure Honey

hey beth, talked my g-pa into fixing up the barn this year, I will try to get that design to ya latter, bye
Ryan Horn


I once had about 50 hogs. How would you like to wake up and smell that in the mornings? :x

Beth Kirkley

NO..... I like the smell of horses, and kinda like the smell of cows and chickens, and I've only occationally smelled a goat (it was fine)....... but PIGS? YUCK..... they do stink! :)


Horns Pure Honey

actually I like the smell of the hog barn at the state fair yet it is cleaned every night but still smells like hogs. I like the smell of all animals even though chicken and other birds make your hands smell wierd. :lol:
Ryan Horn


Hi all,
I have a small herd of Nubins and togginburg. They just got done haveing there kids. Three bucklings,O my son would be mad at me if I did not mintion the pigmy kids his doe had. She had two kids!

I to like the smile of goats and fish! I had not noticed a smell on my chickens per say. I do in the chicken coup but I would not count that. I do not care for the smell of the buck at all.

See ya,


Beth Kirkley

Oh yes....... the buck!

I am so glad my husband, when he captured my heart, didn't have to go to the same tricks a buck does to catch his girl. P-U
I won't be getting a buck. Not unless we decided to have goats big time - which is sorta doubtful. But if we did have a buck...... he'd be far far from the house.

Beth :)

Horns Pure Honey

Firestool I am glad you mentioned toggs. My very first goat was a togg and my favorite goat remains a togg. I just love there brown coat. It is funny how toggs and a few of the other dairy breeds look alike in stature but are different breeds, o well, love em all. bye
Ryan Horn


My nieghbors keep goats and when they disbud the horns(electrically) they also do the scent glands it really seems to help. :idea:
The person who walks in another's tracks leaves NO footprints.

Horns Pure Honey

Well at least I like the smell of are goats so we have never removed scent glands. bye
Ryan Horn

Beth Kirkley

That would really help latebee..... but what about the fact they pee all over their own heads? You can't change that by removing scent glands. :)


Horns Pure Honey

True true, you can never 100% stop a goat from finding something to rub in. bye :D
Ryan Horn