Daffynitions: Job Descriptions and other things.

Started by Brian D. Bray, January 23, 2009, 12:47:37 AM

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Brian D. Bray

 I spend too much time inside my own head.  I ran across the following tidbit which made me recall the 2nd then I was inspired to create the next 2.

Wallpaper Hanger:  A person whose business is a put up job.

Farmer:  A man outstanding in his field.

Plumber: A man who manages to put a monkey wrench into everything he does.

Mother:  The COO, CEO, and CFO of one's youth.

Jockey:  A person who's always on his high horse.

Pyrotechnician:  A man whose job is a real blast.

I thought of the last 2 while typing the others.

Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


The catch phrase for our main sanitation department here is "our job stinks, but its picking up."

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My website JPthebeeman.com http://jpthebeeman.com


Beekeeper: One with 60,000 employees all under one roof, with no money in his pockets.
Please Support "National Honey Bee Day"
Northern States Queen Breeders Assoc.  www.nsqba.com

Brian D. Bray

Doctor: The person who keeps telling you to quit doing what you're doing or you'll die.

Teacher: A person who learns more from their students than they teach them.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!