I like deer hunting.

Started by Anonymous, February 17, 2005, 03:22:15 PM

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This is my blind on the beach of Bid Bay DeNoc. It is a half mile give or take an inch or two from our Cabin. I like so much because it over looks the bay where I get to watch the Bald Egales fish, take baths and fight with the Magpies. With my big Binocs. I can see the colors of the cars and trucks 6 miles across the bay. But I can not tell brands.

This is what it looks like after an inch of snow during the night, What we consider a light frost.

This is an hour latter

I wrote a story just after the 2003 season about my dad stopping hunting and fishing and giving me his deer rifle. How I took it to deer camp and got a nice six point buck with it on the next to the last day. How I had a grand son yet to be born who was going to get the rifle from me.
The storry was published in the December 2004 Michigan Outdoors  Magazine. I got the buck from the above blind.

Sunrise from the blind.

The buck.

:D Al


Beth Kirkley

(sigh) I was lost there for a minute - imagining being in the woods watching those deer. :)


Horns Pure Honey

That is a nice deer and deer stand, bye :D
Ryan Horn


:) Beth, At my house you don't have to bee in the woods to watch the deer, Squirrels, many of the birds either.
:) You do need to get up before the sun and go out side to see the hoar frost sparkling in the light of a full moon. To hear the Phesant cackle, to hear the turkies come banging and crashing down from their roost and start the come together clucking call, the rooster crow, the hawk take flight and cry it's scream. You have to be out side to see the little mouse ducking and dodgeing across the leaves to find a seed for breakfast.
You don't even need the excuse of going hunting to just go set in the woods, over growen field or the old fence row to see the majic of nature come alive in the morning.
The thrill of an owl coming to sit on a branch near you and marvel at the rotating head that appears to be able to turn a full 360 degrees.
If you take the time you get the best full leignth feather film ever to watch.

:D Al