Small Hive Beetle Solution, that is inexpensive and easy

Started by Florida Bee Rancher, August 28, 2016, 03:07:39 PM

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Florida Bee Rancher

Hi everyone,
  After years of suffering with comb damage and lost hives from the Small Hive Beetle, I finally found a way to keep them out of your hives for good. A simple strip cut from aluminum flashing and coated with Neverwet from Rustoleum Paints, then fastened to the bottom board with staples. I made a You Tube video explaining it step by step, (cut and paste link below to view). The only Hive Beetles I now see are on the outside the hive trying to get in and the Neverwet coated flange stops them. Make sure all cracks and openings are sealed and closed above the Neverwet coated flanges or they will find a way in. I caulk the seam between the hive body and bottom board and use 1/8" x 1/2" Polyethylene foam tape from Equal Seal between hive, suppers and vent tops. This sounds like a lot of work but the coated strips last forever and the foam tape is easy to replace if needed.            You Tube Link;