How long does it that brood to hatch

Started by firetool, March 18, 2005, 10:03:17 AM

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I moved some frames away from the queen that has brood in it. I am wanting them to hatch and no more to get layyed in them so I can remove the wild comb from the hive. I was just curious how long the larva cycle is before they emirge and join the collony.



Now heres an example of an honest to goodness proper use for a queen excluder.  I'm jealous of all the bees you dooods down in Texas keep finding.  I guess I'm wondering, do you approach them waving a white flag at first, just in case they are the nasty type?


No. We just look to see if there is a bone through their nose.
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


My pictures.Type in password;  youview


Jerry I am LMAO over here.
Its not he one with the bones trough there nose. Its the ones with the war paint on that are screaming at you as they come in. These are the bad ones. :evil:  :lol:
Jerry I have desided I don't like the stings on the head this one still iching.
I did my second hive today and they were not bad ethier. They had a good temperment consedering what I had to do to get to the hive. Their are some down here though, just south of our location by about 40 miles give or take some. I heard about an exterminater that as soon as his truck got 100 yards from the well they were in they started hitting his windsheild on his truck. I have been lucky so far. I try to to stay ready for the worst though.


P.S.- it s easer to found them becouse more peaple are afraid of them down here becouse their is africanised bees around.