Location & Nectar Flow

Started by Tucker1, June 15, 2009, 05:18:05 PM

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In a few years I plan to be retiring. (What's life without hope?) As part our plans, we're considering relocating to a more rural setting.  The plan is to raise a few head of sheep and continue with bee keeping. I'd like to increase the number of hives that I own to 20 - 25.
One of the many issues, is finding a good location for our retirement.  We'd like to stay in the Pacific Northwest if possible. Eastern Oregon looks promising for a variety of reasons, but I have no idea as to the suitable of eastern Oregon for keeping bees or raising sheep.

Having said all that, can someone give me some information about bee keeping in eastern Oregon or western Idaho (Say in the Union, Baker City, John Day, Cambridge areas) ? 

Any help would be appreciated.

He who would gather honey must bear the sting of the bees.



I grew up in La Grande (I live in Vancouver now), but I recall there were lots of alfalfa fields out in the Grande Ronde and Baker Valleys.  There were some beeks around, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Hope that helps,

"Indecision may or may not be my problem" Jimmy Buffett