Bee Aggression/Loud Noise

Started by Jami, March 28, 2005, 05:08:03 PM

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Hi Everyone.  I am getting my first packages of bees in about two weeks.  I have decided where to place them in the back of my yard. I have a very long yard.  The problem is my husband thinks if he mowes the lawn with his riding lawn mower the bees will get mad and he will be stung by a swarm of bees. (This apparently happened to a friend of his.)  I am getting Italians which are not aggressive.  He wants me to change the location to the back field and I don't want to walk that far to check on them.  Anybody out there that has ever been attacked by bees because of a lawn mower?  Thanks!


"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


Quote from: Jami
 Anybody out there that has ever been attacked by bees because of a lawn mower?  Thanks!

Yes, but they were yellow jackets, and I bet that is what attacked your husbands friend as well.

Just tell him not to mow with the discharge facing the hive and don't mow right in front of the hive during the day and he will not have a problem.  Mow in front of the hive after dusk.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


Better yet, do what I did: put down landscaping fabric (and mulch, if you want it pretty) for several feet in front of the hives. That way, he won't have to mow right next to them.

The smell of exhaust can make bees mad, or so I've read.

Beth Kirkley

One thing I've thought of doing if I ever needed to mow around my hives is to close them up at night by putting a little board or screening in front of the entrance. Then get the mowing done in the morning, and afterwards open up the hive. It won't hurt the bees to be locked in for the night and part of the morning.



My bees did not like the exhust from my lawn tractor one bit and it was only coming from the side. If I mowed the other way all was fine. I vote for the mulch over a weed barrier.
:D Al


I mow right up to the hive early in the mornings. No problems. Only got hit once when I forgot I was in the flight path and got a sting on an eyelid.
Geoff. :lol:
Local Area Network in Australia - the LAN down under.

Rich V

Why can't you mow around it in the dark?


It pays to use a bit of daylight. Bees dont like their house being upside down.
Local Area Network in Australia - the LAN down under.


Definitely use a weed fabric (or tarpaper).  Bees really, really, really do not like the smell of Roundup.  Trust me, it ain't easy running with 3 gallons of water sloshing around the tank on your back!
"Born Po, Die Po" ........ just need to feed myself in between!


BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA@ Rabbitdog,,,,,,, run!!!!!!!!! some smells set then off ha,

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