Sugar water ratios?

Started by Pi, March 25, 2005, 09:00:43 PM

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When one wants a sugar/water ratio of 1:1, does that mean one pound of sugar for each pound of water?  Or is it by volume as in one quart of water for each quart of sugar?

Since a gallon of water wieghs 8.3lbs per gallon, the first way would be 8.3lbs sugar per gallon of water.

While searching the internet for suggested sugar water mixtures, I find a lot of people mix up weights and volumes when discussing these ratios to the point of some confussion.

Someone straighten me out.......



It is by weight, but any easy way to do it is pounds of sugar to pints of water.

Here is how I do it ->
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison

Bee Boy

I believe its like 2:1 for sugar to water.
Bee Boy


Boy has THIS topic came up often - Here is my own EASY TO REMEMBER INSTRUCTIONS (how you vary it is up to you)

I take 1 gallon of water in a large pot and bring it to a boil - pour in a 5 pound bag of sugar and ruduce to a light simmer for 5 minutes - stirring until all the sugar is melted and then I let it cool down naturally (in warm weather) until room temperature and then refridgerate.

If it is cold outside, I will put the hot pot on the porch and let it chill quicker.

Some people will say this is too thin, others too thick. It works for me.
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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