Do you know what makes me mad?

Started by OK Wildlife Control, June 14, 2009, 04:54:20 PM

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All I have to say is that people in this county are getting more ignorant, arrogant, and less tolerant every single day.  I give this country fifty years maximum before it turns to sosalisam or something worse because again, people in this county are getting more ignorant, arrogant, and less tolerant every single day.
The moment a person forms a theory, his imagination sees in every object only the traits which favor that theory

Thomas Jefferson

Brian D. Bray

Quote from: bee-nuts on June 29, 2009, 04:05:41 AM
All I have to say is that people in this county are getting more ignorant, arrogant, and less tolerant every single day.  I give this country fifty years maximum before it turns to sosalisam or something worse because again, people in this county are getting more ignorant, arrogant, and less tolerant every single day.

Where've you been?  Haven't you heard that Obama got elected President, decided he liked being a dictator better, began nationalizing banks, manufactures, is proposing unfunded universal medical coverage, doesn't hesitate to intimidate the AMA into supporting it, and who knows what else is coming down the pike in the future.

That sounds like socialsim to me. 
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


Now, Now, bee-nuts, try to be a little more tolerant.   :evil:   :-D

"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me . . . Anything can happen, child. Anything can be"

*Shel Silverstein*


"That sounds like socialism to me."

Sure does does don't it.  Fifty years max is what I said.  Now we get to see how stupid the average American is and weather the will let those things slip into effect like the acceptance of the federal reserve (which is a privately owned business and has nothing to do with the federal government) and most of the tax codes which are unconstitutional and make us slaves.  Avoidable taxes would be much more appropriate.  Gun control will be coming soon.

"Now, Now, bee-nuts, try to be a little more tolerant."

I don't care what you or anybody else does or believes as long as it does not affect my freedom or yours.  Socialism as an example takes from the strong and productive and gives to the weak and unproductive.  This only breeds laziness that sucks at the will to be productive and self sufficient and leach of others.  In Russia people starved to death because there salary was the same if they sat on there butt all day thus they did not produce enough for all to eat.  If you want to start some socialist commune or whatever, go for it.  Ill tolerate it, and so should all.

The moment a person forms a theory, his imagination sees in every object only the traits which favor that theory

Thomas Jefferson


No wonder my son is so into this socialism thing...Now it makes perfectly good sense why he is the way he is!

your friend,

Bee Happy

Quote from: bee-nuts on July 06, 2009, 06:24:40 PM
"That sounds like socialism to me."

Sure does does don't it.  Fifty years max is what I said.  Now we get to see how stupid the average American is and weather the will let those things slip into effect like the acceptance of the federal reserve (which is a privately owned business and has nothing to do with the federal government) and most of the tax codes which are unconstitutional and make us slaves.  Avoidable taxes would be much more appropriate.  Gun control will be coming soon.

You don't even have to be actually stupid to fall for it. The propaganda is like having your brain carpet bombed with nonsense from birth; until it feels wrong to think against the flow of disinformation. Until even the smartest among the programmed are confused with their results when the social math doesn't add up to them - and they keep silent while they check and recheck the data.
(I was an honors student in college and got my only "C" in ethics when I dared to be contrary to the prof in the form of 'sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind' - having warned the teacher  that I intended to spend the entire course as devil's advocate and think for myself. - many of the 'ethics' lessons he taught/from the book in not so many words were kindness & right thing to do = lean heavily toward communism.) I didn't save the book or the syllabus I hated the teacher and decided he was more of a pompous programmer than a real teacher. I demonstrated a working knowledge of the principles of ethics and he resented the arguments I presented.
be happy and make others happy.


JBF, does your son earn any money?  if he does, just tell him that he'll have to start turning over his paycheck to you, for the good of the family.  tell him that you (the government) will now give him what you think he needs.  the other money you will take and use as you see fit, and you might even give some of it to other families...just to be fair.  after all, it's not fair for him to have money to spend on wants when you and your neighbors have to spend on needs.
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859


I honestly don't really think the intelligence of the average American matters myself.  Most people are to busy to pay enough attention to what is really going on.  You would have to be unemployed to have enough time.  And even if you did have enough time that probably does not matter enough because politics is more or less a ratings game similar to television.  They try to figure what sounds best, will get the votes they need, then once in office or reelected they just push what agenda pays the most or push the ideals that they were never honest about in the first place.  I was listening to the radio the other day in the car and the person was saying how there was a 1200 page document/bill and only one day to read it before voting.  It is insane.  If they all took a permanent vacation we probably would be better off.  This Country will fall apart, it is just a matter of time, unless there is some catastrophic event that wakes the country up as a whole.  The older you are the better off you are in terms of the quality of life you will have lived in my opinion.

Anyway, I can easily go off on politics so I guess I better get back to the real reason why I am here and that's beekeeping.  Good luck all.

bee-nuts or bee-crazy

whatever suits you best.
The moment a person forms a theory, his imagination sees in every object only the traits which favor that theory

Thomas Jefferson


Hey Kathy!/Thats a sore spot under my saddle for sure!
Brad doesnt EARN anything...He gets a survivor check from SS after his dad killed himself......Janelle allows him to piss it away...800 a month....But, what can I say? Im only the guy he lives with, right?..And, the older he gets, the wierder his ideas become...Currently, he's an Atheist/Socialist.....Its goofy as can be at my house...I live with 2 atheists, 7 dogs, and some fish...I supose you can call my situation a "Living Miracle!"....I havent killed anything yet!..maybe, that only because I'me a Born againg Christians from the early 80's.....But, then again, my example doesnt shine very clearly either, sometimes! :)
your friend,


ah well...someday he won't get that check and he'll learn the way most of us learn....the school of life :-).sometimes it's like that no matter how hard we try to teach them.  my two boys are so different.  one has no money and can't figure out where it goes.  he ponders his state as he watches his big screen tv and plays his video games.  the other has lots of money saved and owns the same stuff.  the difference is that one bought things as he wanted them and the other as he could afford them.  same family.  same upbringing. 
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859