Nucs or Packages

Started by Beecharmer, April 05, 2005, 05:12:29 PM

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I am wondering what everyone's opinion is - are nucs or packages better?  I went to the IN State Beekeeping Assn. spring meeting this past weekend and (of course) got conflicting opinions.  I have nucs ordered, but maybe next year will change.
"Outside of a good book, a dog is a man's best friend: and inside a dog, it's too dark to read."  Groucho Marx


Starting from scratch, a nuc gives your bees a head start on packages.  They already have drawn comb and brood, so the cycle is started.  If you have drawn comb, and can slip a frame or two of sealed brood, honey and pollen in with a package, you can really jump start them and they can get a crop for you instead of drawing comb and reaching harvesting strength when the season is ending.
I prefer packages.


Nucs definitly give you a big head start. Think of a nuc as an already functioning hive (just smaller). Brood in all stages, nurse bees, field bees, and a queen who is their already accepted mother. Many beekeepers prefer packages because you don't know where the equipment and wax you are getting in a nuc has been. Has it been exposed to foulbrood, has it been treated with any chemicals that may still be in the wax, you never know?

Any apiery worth its salt should very willingly give you a history of medication and all the rest of this before you lay down the dollars for the nuc though.

Good luck with your bees and remember, have fun! :D
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world

Horns Pure Honey

I say a nuc is better for all the reasons you guys said but this year, my first year, I started from packs this year so I could watch them build up. bye :D
Ryan Horn


I had a bad experience with nucs once.

I ordered nucs from B&B Honey Farm in Minnesota and prior to receiving them I had new equipment and combs with no disease.  After installing the nucs I got chalkbrood from the old combs from the nuc.  Chalkbrood spread throughout my good combs and I was never able to get rid of it.

Since that time I order packages.

Butterchurn (Ron)


I like to build nucs from my own hives and give them as TEACHING AIDS to prospective beekeepers, family and friends who want to see IF beekeeping is for them.

Buying nucs is something I have NEVER done - packaged bees is more typical in my part of the country because of shipping issues.

I just hope that people KEEP their nucs and share the beekeeping experience with others by letting them have a nuc in their yards - if only for a season to see if they can handle it. Plus, they will see QUICKLY the difference between the pollination with and without bees and they will be VERY impressed by the nuc.
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Horns Pure Honey

I think now I might just stay with packs, they are alot easier to finde around here and I can get a better price next year, bye :D
Ryan Horn


I took a two day course given by the Indiana State Beekeeping School and that is what they offered.  The bees are coming from the President of the ISBA, so I am confident they will be healthy.  Also, when the bees are ready, we will all meet and they will show us how to install.  I can understand people's hesitance to buy nucs.  Anyway, next year I may try the package.  I am sorry now that I only got one hive.  After reading, I realized I should have started with two in case one doesn't make it.  Have a good day!
"Outside of a good book, a dog is a man's best friend: and inside a dog, it's too dark to read."  Groucho Marx