Sudden cold snap?

Started by Saucy, April 07, 2005, 02:52:48 AM

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It has been quite warm over here in the UK for the past few weeks (+-15C) and my hive has been expanding rapidly. Unfortunately we are expecting near freezing daytime temperatures over the next few days. What effect does this have on the colony? Thanks for any info.

Agility Mom

They'll adjust and pick up their activity again when it warms up.


Thanks Judy

I know they would normally huddle together to retain the warmth and to keep the larvae warm, but just worried as there has been so much expansion that it may be too cold on the outside frames for them? Can't find any topic like this in any books. Perhaps I am being stupid?

Any comment Finman?



Depending on how much brrod they have and the number of bees,  some of the outer lying brood may go unprotected and die.  Once it warms back up, you will be able to see if they start removing dead brood.  Definately a set back, but not catastophic to the hive.
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