Installed 3 pkgs yesterday

Started by leominsterbeeman, April 11, 2005, 10:47:24 AM

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I installed 3 of my packages yesterday afternoon.  What a beautiful afternoon.  

Pictures at:

Agility Mom



Excellent pics MPK! Great looking apiery, is that your land or borrowed? :D Looks like an apple orchard. 8)
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world

Horns Pure Honey

Great pics. Looked at them earlier but couldnt post for some reason, bye :D
Ryan Horn


I was so scared the first time I installed a package (alone) and then so amazed when it worked like it was supposed to in the bee books. Now packages and swarm catching are my favorite beekeeping activities!!

Horns Pure Honey

You are so right. When ever you go out to see them you feal like " how are my girls today?" lol, bye :D
Ryan Horn


Jay -

My apiary is in an old apple orchard.  it is part of the orchard that is not maintained and the trees are all overgrown.  

The city of Leominster owns the orchard and uses the active part for apples, pumpiks, squash.    The city bought it to preserve open space.  the previous owners were going to sell it to developers to create 300 + houses


Excellent save by the town! There is a farmers field right around the corner from me (about 300 yards from Meriam's corner historic site) that the farmer wants to sell to a developer. The town has right of first refusal but of course doesn't have the money to buy all of the land that comes up for sale in town (farmland I mean). So there may be another 25 house development near Meriam's corner in another couple of years! :cry:
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world

Horns Pure Honey

It always stinks to see historic land destroyed.
Ryan Horn


Jay -

There is a lot Concord can do to save their land as open space.  Leominster spend $4.75M in 2000 to save the farm. The key is to have a cooperative seller and a town that wants to preserve it.  There needs to be community support for it.
The Trustees of Reservations can help cities keep land and maintain it.