Honey Better for diabetics?

Started by manowar422, May 07, 2005, 03:10:49 PM

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Moderators, feel free to move this as I couldn't find
a better spot. Do we have a health and nutrition section?

This was news to me as I have always been told to avoid
honey due to it's high sugar content!

Click here for article


oh yea it is true you have to get artifical bees for the unsweetend honey

Miss Chick-a-BEE

I'm diabetic, and through some reading on diabetic sites I found that it's "better" for you, but not really "good" for you. It has a lower glycemic index than sugar is my understanding.

To look into it yourself, just do a search on glycemic index of foods. Honey should be listed, as well as sugar.



Well Beth, I'm still fortunate to control mine with diet and a few miles
on a stationary bike 8)  

I cheat from time to time and like to know what things are "better"
bad choices when I do cheat.

Besides everyone reacting differently to different foods, you need
to know what foods send your sugar off the charts, so you can avoid them at all costs.

For instance, I can't eat carrots, but a couple slices of pizza doesn't bother me.
I can eat strawberries, but not bananas. :?

My doctor told me, "its all about how fast it gets into your system".


Miss Chick-a-BEE

I'm still learning. Only found out about being diabetic a year ago. Milk seems to be one that really gets me. I tried to keep mine under control by diet and exercise alone, but it didn't work. Then tried diet, exercise, and pills. Still no good. So I started on insulin shots less than a month ago. That's helping.
