Going from one to 2 story hives

Started by AdmiralD, May 05, 2005, 01:43:11 PM

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Well, my free polystyreen hive boxes are not beemax compatable. They are smaller than beemax polystyreen hive boxes and a bit thinner too. But my bees are using up the pericomb frames and are at 80-90 % full. I am placing the beemax hive bodys on top of these other boxes that I have and it leaves about a 1/2 in opening on the underside of the boxes. For my area, this may be a good thing since I am 100 miles from the west coast and my area is rather wet. mold and mildew are a problem in this area. So, will use this for ventilation for the time beeing [pun intended].

I have also ordered 2 beemax hive kit with a cedar hive stand for each. I wil transfer the bees into the beemax after preping them...[assemibliy and painting,] I am a bit dissappointed that my orgional hives are not up to standards of beemax. They must be from a renegade company that went out of business...

Anyway, once transfered, I will use these hives for new feral bees that I might run accross...

Anyone see any problems with my plans?

Also, I am looking for some small cell foundation that might have some plastic reinforcement, like the Cell Rite or perrco plastic frames...Any ideas as to where I can get these? and under what names?

Michael Bush

When supercell comes out with the fully drawn 4.9mm, assuming it IS 4.9mm, it still only comes in deeps.

4.9mm plastic is available (in deeps only of course) from Dadant.  I would not recommend it with unregressed bees.  If you have them on PermaComb they will be partially regressed (about 5.15mm) so they might draw it all right.  I had NO luck getting unregressed bees to draw it.


I'd cut them in half and leave the gap.  I used it in a Dadant deep hive and left the two inch gap at the bottom.  Here's small cell wax cut in half and put in a medium:

My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin