my queen has been busy as a bee

Started by crw13755, May 09, 2005, 03:36:04 PM

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Chitin??? Ain't that when you ain't playin' fair?
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


My pictures.Type in password;  youview


Oh my that was baaaadddd jerrymac :wink: .

Chitin is what the exoskeleton is made out of.


And the winner is.......chi·tin   A tough, protective, semitransparent substance, primarily a nitrogen-containing polysaccharide, forming the principal component of arthropod exoskeletons and the cell walls of certain fungi. Main Entry: chi·tin
Pronunciation: 'kIt-&n
Function: noun
: a horny polysaccharide that forms part of the hard outer integument especially of insects, arachnids, and crustaceans â€"chi·tin·ous /'kIt-&n-&s, 'kIt-n&s/ adjective

And yes thanks all of you for pointing out my caf·feine rush and my over excitement of seeing something for the first time and sharing with you all Thank You Thank You the love in the room i just full here  :shock: