Bees in Hot tub

Started by majornut, September 12, 2010, 09:22:16 PM

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I have a salt water hot tub and every other day, there are hundreds of bees that I have to clean out of it. I can see them flying from the colony, onto the lid, drinking the water and flying back. The ones that are dead, are in the hot tub itself.

Any solutions?
"To give up is easy, to try is hard; but to follow your dreams is it's own reward"   -Adam Mussell


Get a bee proof cover for it. 


Get them their own hot tub?  Actually, you need to provide them with a better source for water.  I use a bird bath and three chicken waters set up near the hives to provide them with water.  That way they leave tne neighbors' swimming pools alone.


I had this problem real bad in the Spring...even with lots of other fresh water sources that were closer to the bees.  I would have to clean out hundreds a day...most would drink the moisture from the top of the cover and the seams, but the ones who found a way through a gap all ended up in the water, clogging the pump grates and the filter.  I had to get a new cover that sealed better and it seems to have stopped the problem.