source of survivor stock or Russian queens

Started by organicfarmer, June 09, 2010, 08:59:13 AM

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Where could i source few queens of survivor stock or Russian origin ? From someone who raises them with no treatment would be a plus.


we are currently grafting from our own survivor stock and from kirk webster's survior stock (which is russian in origin).  we will have queens available either mated or virgin (virgin queens add to the genetics rather than replaces them, as the queen will mate locally).  we use no treatments (neither does kirk) and are just out in leominster.  see our website for contact details:



Here is a link to the Home page of the USDA Russian Queen Breeders. They are not allowed to use treatments. Follow the link on the left to the members. There you will find info for making contacts.
John 3:16


the members of the russian breeding program are not supposed to use mite treatments.  nosema treatments are, i believe, a different story.
