Will adding capped brood interfear with queen intro?

Started by Shawn, June 27, 2010, 01:17:35 PM

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Im going to release my queen today and wanted to add a couple of frames of capped brood from another hive. Will this trigger something that will makes the bees supercede the new queen or will the queen I just let out leave?


If you gave them a brood frame with eggs/very young larvae if they didn't like the queen you gave them I suppose they could try and supersede her.

I don't see any issues giving them capped brood other than positive ones.

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Thanks Jp. I thought since I could not get the frames out earlyier I would do a lot of cleaning today since its not too hott. Its only in the upper 80s today and teh hives should be in the shade soon. The plan is to add a frame or two or brood, release the queen, shake out the 4th hive that has a laying worker, and put that hive into storage. This should give the new queen some hatching brood and some workers from the other hive. I planned on taking their deep ful of honey away from her but since it will be a young hive and not that many workers it should give them enough stores to keep going. Im going to try to take some photos today to post.


Ok I let the queen go, got a frame that had capped brood on each side (one side loaded the other side not too much). I moved the laying worker hive out into the flower garden and took all the frames out. I tipped up the stand the hive was on, set the smoker near teh area, and started shaking bees off the frames. It actually was really sad after I started. There were so many bees just going to the gound and did not fly away. I noticed the bees were bunching up as if they had swarmed. After I was done making sure the bees were off the frame I put the hive into the shed, ill have to go back tomorrow because there were still drones coming out. Anyway when I looked back at the other hive I had just requeed I saw bees everywhere. The bees that were just flying aroundlost ended up landing on the requeen hive and started marching upwards. I took some photos so maybe it will help with the story. By the way I have a sprinkler system set up just outside the hives that I use to control them "in a way." It has all misters and sprays upwards, not getting the hives wet of course. I just went back out to look at the area I shook the bees off and tehre were bees everywhere. Most had died onthe sidewalk, dont know why, and other were crawing around in the flower area. I think that was the saddest part  :'(.