Moving bees Texas to South Dakota

Started by Bruce Hanson, May 17, 2005, 01:54:38 PM

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Bruce Hanson

Well it time to start moving bees to South Dakota from east Texas.I   load up my first truck tonight,816  singles and more to follow every other night untill all are up and put in location Lots of early morning and night work moving bees into truck loading area.Time for a nap.   Bruce

Miss Chick-a-BEE

I know it's GOTTA be some work. :) But what I wouldn't give to be in your shoes. Working with bees - even large scale I'd imagine - is a pleasure. How can something that much fun be called work? LOL


Horns Pure Honey

Bruce I am working my butt off to be in your shoes! :D  I would love to talk to you some time. It is funny, I now have more calls that deal about bees than my friends.  :D
Ryan Horn

Bruce Hanson

Well the truck showed up I started loading at 7pm ,had it loaded,netted and tied down by 10pm and on his way to South Dakota.Ihad to be up at 5am to move more bees for the next load.Sometimes I have so much fun I wish I could share some of it,I think I will get some chickens and a rocking chair!!!

Horns Pure Honey

Any time you need help just call me bruce!!! :D
Ryan Horn

Miss Chick-a-BEE

Well, I've got the bees, the chickens, and a garden..... just need the rocking chair and I guess my life will be set. :)



hanson? are you related to Mike Hanson in Jefferson S.D. ?

Horns Pure Honey

You need an old faithful mule too Beth :D
Ryan Horn


Why does she need a Mule? she has Charlettes web  :lol:

Miss Chick-a-BEE

What I REALLY need, is someone to finish the little chicken yards on the barn and put up the half acre of pasture fence! And then I could get some goats. :) Any offers?


Horns Pure Honey

I will come and do it for your birth day, I am counting down the hours!!! :D
Ryan Horn

Miss Chick-a-BEE

Now wouldn't THAT be a nice birthday gift? I could just have all ya'all come on down and finish all my work. :)


Horns Pure Honey

Beth I told you I cant come this year but I can next year! :D
Ryan Horn

Bruce Hanson

No I don't know any Hansons in Jefferson.,SD


I think someone went off with somebody somewhere looking for something. They found nobody doing nothing so they....

OH sorry. Supressed memories.
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


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