well folks...... All my bees are dead...... I thought it was CCD.....BUT

Started by TREBOR, May 06, 2012, 08:16:36 PM

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WELL I'm not so convinced now......

    I was at an event in the woods and I don't mean in the park I mean waaaay up in the mountains...... kind of like one of those hippie things..... there were A LOT of people......
   I was sitting with someone and we were talking..... then my voice was drowned out by the sound of a jet..... when I looked up.... I saw chem trails everywhere...... the sky was like all crisscrossed
with trails..... and you could see planes going in every direction....... I was like wow...... and the guy I was sitting with said they had been doing it all week......
well the next day ..... I didn't feel well....... and the same is true of others.....
Then it dawned on me......... I remembered seeing the same thing while I was checkin my bees...... and about a week later was when they all started to die...... all in all I lost almost all 80 colonies in the matter of a month and a half....

I'm Rob and I'm a Cynical Bastard........
When I was young ...like 17..... my GF and I were out in the woods on the west coast on the cliffs by the ocean........
Hangin out and spending some alone time together......

IN the middle of hangin out..... I leaned back and looked up at the starts..... one started moving... and it seemed to be getting closer.
until it was hovering in a clearing about 400 ft from where we were sitting we could see it very clearly .....

I never doubted what I saw that night........ it was a saucer, up close and big..... about 100ft across.... and made a humming noise that I could feel but not hear..... very low vibration....

It had a glow coming from under the center of the craft..... that resembled the after burn of a jet fighter..... My GF saw it too.....
( even though years later, I made contact with her..... and when I mentioned the event she just froze.... and just changed the topic. as if she couldn't talk about it on the phone )

so to say the least I have always had an interest in UFO's........ and over the years I have revisited my memories and tried to keep up with the latest......

also over the years I have considered many different conspiracy theories...... GOV, MIB, secret orders and the whole .......one world order thing......

In all these theories there seems to be a line of truth that runs through them all......

Here lately I've not been impressed with it all....... there seems to be a dis-information act in place and its been there for a while now...... IMO... They have been using us to spread false rumor......
to cover for they're agenda... what ever it might be.....

So I have decided to start a new forum...... the focus of this form is to centralize all of the conspiracy theories in one place....... I know I'm not the first to do this....
but in my opinion ...... the more we talk...... the more the truth spreads......

So please give my forum/website a look and please become a member......
there is a link to my site in my profile........

Have a good one


       my losses were so bad and so quick ..... and sooo painful... that I may never keep bees again.......